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Feedback from "Fit for life" users for 100lbs to loose

I am a newbie trying to get a plan. I have lost 100lbs before and maintained it for years, but sadly have to do it again.

I am considering " fit for life" ( combined with Beck) but I am not really a vegetarian type and am concerned that he does not seem to have very many 100 lb type success stories.

My experience is that it is a whole different ball game losing 100lbs than it is loosing 30, altho some of the basics are the same.

I find his website interesting, but the last time I lost I was on a low carb, lots & lots of veggies, mainly apples for fruit and lean protein diet.

I am a little nervous to commit to it because he says that lunch and dinner are pretty much salads and i know I get a little sick of endless salads.

I would love some feedback from people who have lost more than 50 lbs on the diet or anyone who has lost 50-100 lbs on it and maintained it for a significant time.

One of my other concerns is all the prep time it takes to keep up with all that grocery shopping,cutting, chopping etc time for a whole foods veggie diet with no processed foods, dairy,or animal products.

I have a family and travel in Europe ( for next several years) so that adds more challenge.

Any feedback about the diet would be good, especially about my concerns. Thanks in advance!

Sun. Dec 9, 4:07pm

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OOPs i forgot to mention that once I did the dean Ornish diet,which is somewhat similar and gained a lot of weight. I did eat a lot of carbs with that though and I have sense found that my body is very sensitive to carbs.

I used the other high veggie but with protein diet to lose the 100 lbs and it seemed to keep my insulin even which seemed to be a key for me. That seems much harder wiithout the lean protein.

Sunday, December 9, 2007, 4:14 PM

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there is no one single answer, but if you eat real food you'll be in good shape. Cut out the processed stuff, even if it is zero caloires or whatever.

I have a theory that if it is made by God, then it is ok. this article about nutrition was helpful:


Sunday, December 9, 2007, 4:34 PM

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Thanks! Good link. Actually I just realized that I have the wrong title as I was talking about that doctor and his book.

I think I will repost this with a correct subject title.

Monday, December 10, 2007, 6:22 AM

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That was a good article. If OP is still here, you might consider the book, "Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole and Else Resch. It has been helping me. My weight loss isn't fast, but it also isn't driving me crazy and I can do it anywhere. It is more of a retrain how you think about food kind of thing and would fit beautifully with the nutrient density business they were talking about in the article.

Good luck and congrats on taking the time to choose your plan and being prepared for what faces you and using your previous experiences as a learning experience. You are perfectly set up for big success.

Monday, December 10, 2007, 7:17 PM

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