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How do the rest of you get Water in on Weekends????

I am so good during the week about drinking enough water, but come the weekend or when I am at home during the week and I may get a 16 oz bottle plus couple cups of coffee and diet soda in even if I workout during the day. I know that is not good because then I feel tired and my butt is dragging for most of the day. I feel very alone in this problem, any suggestions on how to get out of this bad habit. Thanks

Sun. Dec 9, 8:49am

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drinking water is one of my weaknesses, but what I have been doing for everthing I drink I make sure to drink the same ammount of water .. I also keep a cup beside me at all times so when I get up I can refill it. I use ice and lemon wedges.. gives it a bit of a pick me up.

if your feeling sluggish go for a walk on the weekends than you can easily down some water and just keep filling your cup untill you have had your allotment for theday. also before you eat drink a glass of water/ one when you get up and spread it out throughout the day. dont try to squeeze it all in a short time..

hope that helps.. just remember water is one of your best tolols to use to get rid of Mr fat. it flushes out our bodies and replensehes liquids into us that are good for us. Im sitting here drinking a glass as I type.. enjoy it. its good for you.

Sunday, December 9, 2007, 12:57 PM

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I try to get 8 glasses of water a day. So I take a piece of scratch paper, draw 8 circles on it, and put it on my counter with a glass. When ever I drink a glass of water I cross out a circle. Seeing the glass and the paper everytime I walk by reminds me to take a drink. Plus I love being able to cross things off.
Once when I was really being bad about getting my water I actually put 8 glasses out on my counter. Once I filled and finished one it went in the dishwasher. That seemed a bit extreme so that's when I went to the paper.

Sunday, December 9, 2007, 1:12 PM

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I have a bottle with a straw on it. I've heard, and my experience is I drink more with a straw. So I just carry my "sippy bottle" around with me while at home. I usually manage to drink 2 a day, and they're 750ml bottles, so that helps me drink my 2L

Sunday, December 9, 2007, 3:45 PM

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Bring large water bottles with you where ever you go. I ride a motorcyle and go with a bunch of friends. I put two large bottles in my bags to go with me and whenever we stop I drink some and of course have to make sure I use the rest room whenever I stop....

Monday, December 10, 2007, 10:19 AM

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I drink a ton of water. Personally I love water-so tasty and free. I have a 32 oz nalgene bottle that I bring with me everywhere. 2 of them is my 8 glasses for the day, even though I usually drink more. When I'm at home-I have a Brita pitcher. I pour the whole thing into an empty gallon container that I carry with me around the house. I just sip off of it all day. It works. I usually get anywhere from a 1/2 gallon to a full gallon a day. I also keep the Brita pitcher in the fridge, so it's cold for a while after I first pour it. Good luck!

Monday, December 10, 2007, 12:26 PM

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I make a deal with my self that I will fill up the brita and drink all of it. I usually end of filling it up again. and I fell great!

Monday, December 10, 2007, 1:17 PM

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I keep a water bottle in my bag so if I'm running around on the weekends, Its heavy so I try to drink it. I totally refill the same bottle too, no reason to waste more plastic.

Monday, December 10, 2007, 8:09 PM

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Quite silly, but it works for me: I bought myself a really pretty waterbottle. I love it so much that I wand to drink water from it or refill it all the time.

Only problem is: when I don't have it around me, I stop drinking water... :(

Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 12:00 AM

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i never leave the house without a bottle. i fill it up where ever I can. When I am home I always have a glass beside me.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 1:46 PM

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