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Quitting Smoking/Chantix
I've lost 40 pounds and have kept if off for over 2 years. I'm exercising nearly every day and eating super healthy. My goal now is to quit smoking. (A little less than a pack a day for over 20 years.) I'll say it: I'm scared!!! I really don't want to try cold turkey...tried that several times. I'm afraid of the patch. I know several people who have had a horrible time sleeping,and nightmares with that. I've heard good things about Chantix. That it isn't nicotine, but inhibits something in you so you just don't want to smoke. Anyone know anything more about it?
Sun. Dec 9, 8:47am
My brother in law had great success with it. Started taking it as per instructions, and then on the planned day of cold turkeying, he never had a craving. He had to work on changing his behavior, though, because everything was sort of designed around certain rituals. Parking on the far side of the parking lot at a restaurant so he could work in a ciggie before entering (he kindly allowed his wife to dine in the non-smoking section). Leaving early to have a smoke before the rest of the party started for the car. He smoked at home out on the deck, so that was all geared around going out at half-times and such. Those little rituals were the things he had come to enjoy and he missed those more than the nicotine with the help of the chantix. He also was strongly competitive, and his best friend also quit at the same time (and used chantix, too). The friend wasn't as motivated as my bil, so he wasn't successful, so its not a guarantee. but both said that there were no bad side effects to the chantix, and my bil has been without a ciggie for a year now! He finds he has much more energy, he's actually lost weight (!) and is very happy. he hit the big 5-0, so that might have been a big motivator, too. good luck, YOU CAN DO IT!!!
Sunday, December 9, 2007, 10:36 AM
It took me a bunch of times to be successful with letting go of cigarettes and was challenging for years, even after I quit. So hang in there and do not give up on your goal!!
I do not know about chantix, but different things work for different people. Lots of people quit and so can you. It is really easier than losing and maintaining weight because eating is something that you have to do.
You will have to figure out what is your key triggers. If you need to smoke as soon as you wake up,then it is most likely a physical addiction to nicotine and that is harder than someone who is more addicted to rituals with smoking. You might have a combination.
I tried it all and at my worse place, I was fat and went back to smoking so had to content with both habits, but I did eventually get them both under control.
There is a mild anti depressant that helps with the nicotine addiction and I found it on the internet as my doc never heard of it. I only used it for a short time, but I think it helped a lot.
It was still lots of mind over matter. Perhaps some of the Beck tools would help with the smoking as well.
The key is not to give up, get on the wagon everytime you fall off , stay away from temptation, find better habits that support you, be kind to yourself in the process because it is hard.
I was heavily addicted to smoking for 15 years ( several packs a day starting as soon as my eyes opened). I struggled with quitting for years until I was successful. I have not smoked in 20 years now and know I never will because I have no desire what so ever and can not stand the smell of second hand smoke.
( In the early quitting days I loved the smell of 2nd hand smoke and stooped as low as picking half smoked butts off the ground since I refused to buy cigs).
Take it a day at a time and go for it!!
Monday, December 10, 2007, 9:16 AM
it works!
My mother-in-law smoked for 40 years (1 pack a day) and quit with Chantix. I know several others who have used it and quit. I asked my doctor about it and he said his patients have had tremendous success. He said the problem is that people quit too soon and stop taking the pills. You should take the starter pack, then 2 refills (6 months total). Go for it!!
Monday, December 10, 2007, 10:06 AM
I want to quit too!!!
My Problem with smoking is the rituals. The worst one is smoking on the toilet. It seems I can't have a b/m without one. After that I am good for the entire day. I am down to 3 cigarettes a day. I have one left and am going to try very hard to change that habit . Maybe I'll try those fake cigarette inhalers.
Monday, December 10, 2007, 10:29 AM
I smoke more than a pack for 12 years and I successfully quit 2 1/2 years ago. The first trick-I was absolutely ready to quit. I was sick of smoking and I was sick of feeling like shit because of smoking. Personally I feel that if you are ready to quit you will, so make certain your intentions are strong.
Second trick-I used the gum. Only for 2 weeks since I didn't want to get addicted to the gum. I also was addicted to the ritual, especially since smoking was breaks at work. So I only chewed the gum when I would have smoked, not all the time. I would go take my 5 minute break and sit outside and chew the gum. That really helped. I got the fresh air, the break, and the nicotine.
Second trick-I carried a pen with my everywhere just and holding like a smoke. You have no idea how addicted you are to the hand-to-mouth sensation until its gone. Chewing on that pen, especially sitting in a smoky bar surrounded by my smoking friends, helped me not smoke.
Finally-patience. It will get easier. Nibble on carrots and celery if you must. Just know it will get easier. Trust me. Be strong. The nice thing is, having strong intentions in the beginning made it a legitimate possibility for me. Now I can have the occasional smoke with friends and there is no chance that I will smoke again. I was surprised that I can do that and it may not be for you, but 3 years ago I would have never thought that I would be a non-smoker today. Good luck!
Monday, December 10, 2007, 12:41 PM
I quit over a year and a half ago. Everytime I wanted a smoke I would go walk on my treadmill at home or run the stairs at work. Since I quit I have lost 22 pounds.
Monday, December 10, 2007, 3:37 PM
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