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boo..hipa not going

I'm 5'8, 150 lbs, and have a 29 inch waist with 40 inch hips. It's ridiculous. I've lost weight and everywhere else goes down, and my hips aren't budging. Not to mention that my thighs taper from 24 inches to 21. to 15 inch calves. I love having curves..but I wish everything was a little more moderate..any ideas to bring the hips and inner thigh numbers down?

I've recently joined a gym (2 weeks), so I'm hoping that'll help? Also, I've started resistance biking..and it burns in my hips an thighs, so I hope that'll help.

Sny ideas for specific diet changes or excersises that'll help bring things down? thanks =]

Sat. Dec 8, 10:49pm

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Build up some speed while walking on the treadmill. You'll have to roll your hips to keep from jogging, and you will feel it working your hips, obliques and inner thighs (they help with stability). If you'd rather jog, that will definitely help with the chub around your hips, but not so much the inner thighs unless you run to exhaustion.

Saturday, December 8, 2007, 11:50 PM

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No amount of spot training will take it off where you want it to come off. Are you at your ideal weight and size? If so I would ask one of the personal trainers what they think but I am sure they will tell you spot training doesn't work. Its comes off where it wants to, for some reason your hips want that extra padding.

Sunday, December 9, 2007, 2:45 AM

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Try Ellen Barret's workouts: Fat Burning Pilates and Burn and Firm Pilates. Lots of lower body work and I really enjoy these dvds 2 years after first buying them.

Sunday, December 9, 2007, 7:39 AM

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This is a tough one, but, learn to love yourself the way you are. At 5'8" and 150 lbs your not overweight, thus it is going to be difficult if not impossible to lose inches around the hips, it is hard to admit to it, but that is your body, enjoy it!

Sunday, December 9, 2007, 1:30 PM

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no you cant spot lose, but you can firm. Doing hip exercises and squats cann help you to lose inches by firming up the area.

Monday, December 10, 2007, 11:18 AM

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well, I know I'm far from overweight, but I want to be about 10 lbs lighter.Only issue is, those 10 lbs aren't budging. =\ Also, I'm a loose size 10, and I REALLY want to be a 4-6, which means 37ish inch hips.

Any more suggestions?

Monday, December 10, 2007, 12:24 PM

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I second the pilates recommendation. See if your gym has a class, or check out a dvd. I do Hilary Burnet's intermediate and advanced disks, and I like them both.

Resistance training is also a great idea.

Monday, December 10, 2007, 1:28 PM

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Have you thought about taking ballet classes? When I was younger (24) it gave me the long lean look I loved. lengthening the muscles instead of rounding them.

Monday, December 10, 2007, 6:55 PM

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can I really start at 17? I love dancing (plays for school and stuff), but I've never had any real training.

Monday, December 10, 2007, 7:49 PM

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I didn't start until college! You can definitely start at 17 - somehow I don't think you'll ever be a principal in the ABT, but I also don't think that's what you're looking for. :)

I know a lot of centers offer adult classes - the Y near me does. You could also just join a beginner kid class - you'll be the biggest one there, but as long as you don't distract the little kids, I think you could work it out with the instructor.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 9:55 AM

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