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I have been working very hard at achieving my weight loss goals. I have 10 more pounds to lose and believe me when I put my mind to something... watchout. But, I noticed I'm also a bit OCD, (not that it's anything new, it applies to all aspects of my life) but I didn't realize how much until I said that tonight I was going to take a break from working out. Usually work out 6 days a week, it's been 7 and I felt guilty for not wanting to tonight so I pushed myself and did it anyway. I've been going strong for 5 weeks now and lost about 11 pounds in that time but I know me and I will burn myself out. I read on another site that if you feel guilty for giving your body AT LEAST one rest day a week you are headed for trouble. I could NEVER imagine myself "in trouble" with my nutrition and fitness regemine but I also don't know how to do this in moderation and not feel guilty if I slack just a bit. Just to give you background, I know EVERYONE cheats, but in the past 5 weeks I have not cheated with even one morsel of something bad for me and that includes Thanksgiving. So what does this say about me and does anyone else experience this? Kind of worried I will take this to the extreme then quit because of complete burn out and deprivation (although truly I like what I'm eating and I don't feel deprived at all) Make any sense?
Fri. Dec 7, 8:12pm
change your plan
if you change your plan to only 5 days a week oor to incluce some PLANNED indulgences - you will still feel like its the right thing to do and it wont be cheating. know what I mean? I stick to my plan too, but I add in things and so when I eat them, I dont feel guilty at all!!!
Saturday, December 8, 2007, 2:09 AM
I was the same way in July, August and September. It's wonderful to be "in the zone" like that. I would say just go with it while you still have weight to lose.
Where it will get tricky for you is when you hit goal weight. That is the point at which I would advise you to add a cheat day to your routine. Assuming you have an official weigh in day (although if you're as ocd about it as I am, I'll bet you also weigh yourself everyday!), make your cheat day that day. Then you won't panic when your weight goes up the next day. You have a whole week to get back to where you were.
Saturday, December 8, 2007, 11:58 AM
I have very few days where I'm not within my goal calorie range for the day (probably 4-5 days since July). I do indulge but if I know I'm going to have a high-calorie night I keep the rest of the day low-calorie (fill up on veggies!). I've had people tell me to just relax already and eat what I want, and I don't know how to explain to them that this is just how I eat now, I am physically uncomfortable if I eat as much as I used to! Plus I'd rather be thin than eat junk. If you're happy with what you're eating and don't feel deprived that's awesome!
I would just make sure you don't get too hung up on 'bad' foods - all food is okay in moderation (HFCS in EXTREME moderation...)! Just try not to get to the point where you're so obsessed with not eating 'bad' food that you totally fall off the wagon if you do.
Saturday, December 8, 2007, 2:52 PM
When I started losing weight 3 years ago, I really got into a "zone" too; just what you're talking about; worked out 7 days, no cheating, etc. But, I didn't stay that obssessed forever, and I hit my goal weight (lost 40 #)and have kept the weight off since then (2 1/2 yrs). My lifestyle has changed. I agree with 2:52....I just do not eat the same anymore. I can't eat the same. And I workout now almost everday because it makes me feel good and I know it's good for me. So, think of it as lifestyle changes, not so much OCD.
Sunday, December 9, 2007, 7:49 AM
WOW! I have lost 54 pounds now and when my fellow group members ask how my answer is always that I am a little OCD. On this full force! Have not had anything since I started that is not "good". Can't get it iin my head to have "just a little". For now, that's the way I am. I don't know if I'll be that way forever. But, for now, it works. I'm not worried. What was your reason for starting? Mine was health. A family history of BAD things happening. So, I changed my lifestye in fear of following that path. I don't know, don't have much advice. Just thankful that I'm not alone in this style... Good luck! And, btw what an awesome job of exercising you are doing!!!
Sunday, December 9, 2007, 10:56 AM
wow, I wish that aspect of me would spill into my life XD
I'll get like that for about 2-3 weeks, and then need a 2-3 week 'break' (looser dieting, but I like exersise, so no less of that).
I'd say, go you! Just be careful about your bdy getting to tired. Listen to it. Are you sore all the time? Are you exhausted?
I usually push myself to work out when I don't feel well..just because I feel BETTER afterwards. At first I thought I was being a nazi with myself, but I wasn't. It was my brain being a druggie (lol) and wanting the endorphin fix (which is AN AMAZING MEDICINE, believe me).
I usually promise myself a day off too..but it's not for when I'm tired, or not feeling well. It's for the day I had to work later, or study for a test, or something like that. Usually I don't use it, sometimes I need 2 in a week, or 3 (midterms and finals lol).
Just go with the flow =] AND CONGRATS!! being on the last 10 lbs is a great job!!
Sunday, December 9, 2007, 11:04 AM
OP here, thanks for all the comments. I was worrying about obsessing and it sounds like I'm not the only one. I too am physically uncomfortable now when I get full. I am eating something every 3 to 4 hours , only about 200 to 300 caloires but I notice I'm not hungy and my calorie intake is fairly low but I now can't eat to get full as it feels horrible,,, but that's a good thing!
One post asked my reason for starting, it was because I lost so much weight so many years ago then recently the largest size I keep in my closet (8) were getting tight and I was miserable getting dressed every day. I also saw a picture of myself over the summer, ugh - yuck. So, I started for me and I do feel great. Some days if I don't get enough calories or protein I really feels it so I do feel like I'm more in tune with my body since starting this time around. Just got on the scale this morning and the thing went down 3 more pounds which is awesome for me! So, maybe I'll stick to what I'm doing and the heck with the OCD thing...LOL! I also hang out with a lot of couples on the weekends and I bring all of my food with me. They tease me about it and all but in good fun. Everyone understands that I'm doing this for me, whether they think I'm "already skinny" or not and they are supportive so I obviously have some great friends who let me do my thing and do not judge me!
Monday, December 10, 2007, 11:20 AM
I actually thought this thread would be about the actual disorder of OCD b/c I actually have it so I was looking forward to what people would say so I could relate to it. Anyway, the thing I want to point out is that "OCD" shouldn't be used so casually. It's a disabling disease that really controls someone's life, causes major anxiety/distress, and even depression. So next time try to be careful about the terms used.
Monday, December 10, 2007, 3:28 PM
Oh please. Jeez, everyone is so sensitive. Always someone with some negativity! This poster was looking for some insight and it appears that he/she may REALLY be OCD so get over it!
Monday, December 10, 2007, 9:39 PM
That person does not have OCD! What's happening to her has nothing to do with OCD. I was not being negative..I just don't want people to casually use that term for something so "normal" when it comes to losing weight.
Monday, December 10, 2007, 11:13 PM
I know what you mean 3:28, OCD is a serious problem that's shouldn't be minimialized. However...
Just because a person isn't classified as OCD doesn't mean they can't have obsessive and compulsive tendencies. I have struggled with bulimia in the past and a lot of the problems I had (and still have) came from those same tendencies in my own life. I once bombed a university exam because I spent the entire 3 hours listing calories I had eaten for the past few days and drawing pictures of food. I wasn't technically OCD, but those obsessive thoughts definitely screwed up my life for awhile. Now I don't do bulimic behaviors anymore, but I still have to make sure that my calorie counting and exercise is healthy and not obsessive.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 1:09 PM
I think that it is really easy to become obsessive over losing weight. for me it feels like if I am not obsessive over it it doesnt happen. If I am not focused on it all the time I wont make the right decisions or forget to walk, drink water, etc. It just doesnt come easily for me. and I get addicted to logging and reading the threads. Like If I am not actively pursueing weightloss at every moment then I will be moving in the wrong direction. It really comes into conflict with spending time with loved ones and developing any other area of my life. My mid always floats back to losing weight and that is what I want to talk about. I have to stop myself so that I dont alienate myself from others. those that are not dieting do NOT want to hear about it all the time.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 1:37 PM
Oh yeah I agree with you that you do not have to technically have OCD to have obsessive/compulsive habits. But often times people casually throw that term out for minor habits of trying to be perfect or do things over again or whatever.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007, 1:40 PM
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