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Losing Weight While Breastfeeding

Is their anyone else out there counting calories while breastfeeding. I have a 9 week old daughter named Abigail. I want to get back on track with weight loss, but I don't want to go to extreme and jeopardize my breastfeeding relationship with my daughter. Any tips or advice would be greatly appriciated.

Thu. Dec 6, 6:14pm

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I'm almost at the 1 year mark for breastfeeding. I managed to lose all of the 33 pounds I gained during pregnancy within 3 months after giving birth and have lost an additional 25 lbs since by following the YOU ON A DIET method by Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen.

I just made sure to add about an extra 300-500 calories a day to my diet in order to stay healthy.

I can't count calories very well. I go crazy. Basically, lots of fiber in the morning, a fruit or yogurt for a snack, protein and veggies for lunch, lite snack again and then healthy dinner. AND LOTS AND LOTS of WATER!!!!!

I live basically on whole wheat products, avoid sugars, hydrogented oils, trans and saturated fats and enchriched product.

Good luck with the breastfeeding!

Thursday, December 6, 2007, 6:50 PM

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Thank You!!

Friday, December 7, 2007, 6:52 PM

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Congratulations to both of you on breastfeeding. It is one of the best things you can do for your baby. I breastfed my baby until he was 14 months (and he decided to end the relationship, not me), and I never regretted a moment of it (including three daily pumping sessions at work). Breastfeeding is a great way to speed post-pregnancy weight loss – just be sure to drink plenty of water so that you stay hydrated.

My lesson learned is when your baby starts solid food at 6-7 months you won’t need to produce milk that is as “rich” so you don’t need as many calories. Similarly, when your baby is weaned, you won’t need as many calories. I know this because I gained about 8 pounds from the time I was breastfeeding 100% of the time to four months after my baby was weaned. At the time, I wasn’t trying to lose weight so wasn’t paying much attention to the scale, but looking back I notice that when my baby started solid food I gained a couple of pounds and when he was weaned I gained a few more. Like I said, I don’t regret breastfeeding at all and I am sure that I was able to start out my weight loss journey only a few pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight because I was breastfeeding, however, I wish that I had paid a bit more attention to my calorie intake at these critical points. : ) Best wishes, and keep up the good work!

Sunday, December 9, 2007, 9:16 PM

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