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Eating better = worse complexion?

I've been making good food choices - no junk food, no greasy food, lots of water, lots of fresh fruits and veggies - and I consistently get 8 hours of sleep a night, but my face is breaking out like crazy! I've changed my pillow cases and cleaned my phones but it isn't helping at all. I haven't made any other lifestyle changes of any kind. Isn't this the opposite of what's supposed to happen???

Thu. Dec 6, 11:08am

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There is another active thread on this subject.
From what I gleam from it, it is possible that your body is going through detox. Keep doing what you are doing. Are you working out more? Are you washing off make-up beforehand and sweat afterward with a gentle cleanser?
I started using coconut oil as a moisturizer and I have totally cleared up...

Thursday, December 6, 2007, 11:40 AM

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You might have a food allergy. Remove one of the new foods in your diet and check to see if there is any difference. Do this one food at a time and then re-introduce it to see if there is a reaction.

Don't put anything more on your face.

Thursday, December 6, 2007, 12:21 PM

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One major factor in acne is your hormone levels. Your body's production and regulation of hormones is highly impacted by the amount of fat you have. As you lose fat your body needs time to rebalance itself. As others have mentioned exercise can be a culprit - pores expand when you get warm and then get clogged with excess sweat and makeup. Don't punish your skin, but do keep a regular care regimen and make sure you get enough healthy fats, anitoxidents and H2O.

Thursday, December 6, 2007, 1:39 PM

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I started the other thread on this subject, and I think I want to agree with the hormones. A week and a half later and my skin has completely cleared up. I guess my body re-aligned itself.

Thursday, December 6, 2007, 4:35 PM

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don't forget as you are "Detoxing" your body by eating better foods, your body then releases the toxins from the ishy food you ate. i went through a small phase of this lasting two weeks, now my skins is super clear!

Thursday, December 6, 2007, 4:38 PM

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