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anyone want to talk
if you want to talk answer this back
Mon. Jan 16, 5:24pm
Hello there hope you are having good time trying to get to your goal. Need someone to talk to I'm here. Can't say I'm the best person to talk to but I do know how to listen.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 7:26 AM
We're here for you, be it excercise tips, focused motivation or just idle chatting...
- barbara_j
Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 7:38 AM
hey its the op if you read this who ever commented back i need someone to recommmend a good diet for me im 5' 1" and i weigh 115
Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 3:35 PM
You dont need a DIET. It seems to me that you think you are fat and my you r measurements (weight and height) you are NOT fat! I truly think that you should talk to someone about this, and perhaps its an emotional issue. Please get help honey!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 11:04 PM
I agree, it doesnt soun like your old are you? Could still be just youn chub...maybe try some toning excersises...that could make a world of difference if it relly is a matter of having excess tissue..(i'm not going to call it fat, cuz by your height &'s not fat!
All my best to you!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 11:52 PM
hey its the op thanks for your tips to answer your question im 18
Wednesday, January 18, 2006, 3:25 PM
I gained a lot of weight when I was around 18. I went from about 100 lbs to about 120 lbs, fairly quickly. But I also went from a small C cup to a D cup, and my hips got wider. My waist stayed relatively small, though. I thought I was getting fat, b/c my body looked so much bigger to me, and a lot of my clothes didn't fit as well anymore. But, really, all that was happening was the tail end of puberty. Maybe that's what's happening to you?
Wednesday, January 18, 2006, 3:36 PM
i went to a docter and he said the same thing and to exercise but do not diet im to small he said
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 3:12 PM
I would agree with your doctor...I've seen a bunch of other posts I suspect might be yours on the boards and I think you might be too hard on yourself. Being your age is pretty tough (I'm only a little older than you are) and it's sounds like you might be self-conscious.
Honestly, I feel like giving you a bear-hug right friend had stats similar to yours and she was TEENY! I think you should really just try to relax about it. I can promise you, people are often so self-conscious about their own appearance they don't notice the things other people are worrying about on themselves. That is, the other girl in the room is so worried about the "giant zit" she has she doesn't have time to think "Hmmm...she looks chubby".
I hope that made sense.
Thursday, January 19, 2006, 3:57 PM
In college, my sorority had a retreat at a water park, so I saw everyone in a bathing suit. I thought that many of the girls were cute, tiny girls, but, you can't hide anything in a bathing suit. Out of 150 of us, there was only 1 girl who looked as good/thin in a bathing suit as she did in clothes! You're the only woman who you see naked (I assume), so you don't know what other girls look like under their clothes. Most women aren't perfect under their clothes, but many still look great in their clothes! Perfection is really unachievable!!
Here's a link to a site that was posted awhile ago - a swimsuit model; if you move your mouse over the picture, you'll see what it looked like before airbrushing, and if you take the mouse off, there's the pic airbrushed. Huge difference! (Especially the boobs!) So pictures you see in magazines aren't really of real people, they're of real people with a LOT of help from Photoshop, etc.!!
Okay, I can't find the original link, but here's another I found, not a body, just a face...
Friday, January 20, 2006, 11:08 AM
Here's another link to a different face. If anyone knows where the image of the photoshopped swimsuit model is, please post it again, I think that thread was deleted, and I'd love to have that link. Thanks!
Friday, January 20, 2006, 11:09 AM
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