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Fitness/Healthy Christmas gift ideas?
Hi! I'd like to give my boyfriend something to get him motivated to workout and get healthy! He already has a gym membership so what would be some fun presents to get him going? As far as activities go, he plays squash with his boss and does the elliptical sometimes.
I'd also love to hear healthy gift ideas for friends/coworkers. Thanks!!
Mon. Dec 3, 12:45pm
An iPod? You could pre-load it with a "workout mix" of upbeat songs.
If you live somewhere that isn't freezing, maybe a weekend trip to somewhere with a lot of hiking (camping is cheap; sometimes cabin rentals are too), or if it's cold, a daytrip skiing.
Does he complain that his shoes are worn out, or his t-shirts are all old and ratty or anything like that? You could replace them.
You could sign both of you up for a class, depending on your joint interests - yoga, martial arts, tennis lessons, swimming lessons, indoor rock climbing, etc. Then you'll have a fitness activity that is also a hobby you both share, and can do together.
Monday, December 3, 2007, 12:52 PM
Good ideas
To the comment logged at 12:52 PM, I just wanted to say those are great ideas, and they have inspired me.
Monday, December 3, 2007, 12:57 PM
This is mostly for the friends/co-workers, depending on how much you like them...
A lot of people respond to the numbers, so gadgets that measure things are both fun and useful. Pedometers are at the cheap end of the scale ($15-30) and good for beginner exercisers, heartrate monitors are mid-range in price ($50-150) and good for people who have established a habit and want to get to the next level, and then there are the pricey ones ($220-400) like a GPS watch/pod for runners and the BodyBugg for serious weight loss folks.
Non-gadget stuff...a 5- or 10-class pass to a yoga or pilates studio. For someone who works out at home - a stability ball ($20-35) or Bosu ($80-100).
For runners and yogis - a good sweat-wicking tank top (for girls: lululemon has extremely comfortable and well-designed ones).
For outdoor runners and walkers - windproof fleece gloves and earwarmers for winter. Fitness walkers might also like little handweights made especially for them, adjustable from 1-2 lbs.
Gym fans - check out the state of their gym bag and maybe replace it. Or get them those scented ball things that are made just for gym bags.
Monday, December 3, 2007, 1:21 PM
I got this in my e-mail box here at home.
I've read your posts and they're all great. I wouldn't dream of going to the gym without my MP3 player. Nothing sets the tone right more than doing crunches to the sound of sexy Prince music, for instance. If you're getting a music device, try to pre-load it before giving it as a gift. There are great deals out there on websites like geeks, etc.
That being said, I found this JIT item for a great deal: body bars. I own a 12#, 30#, and two 6# mini's. I built my collection slowly and they stash neatly under the sofa or bed and no one is the wiser. They accompany my stability ball and elastic stretchy thing. Great stuff for a rainy day and you don't want to deal with road conditions to go out.
The item in my mailbox was sent by the people of the body bar system, announcing FREE shipping duirng the holidays. That is a great deal, IMO. Think about the weights I just mentioned... poor postman doing the delivery! I love my bars. Love love love. Just think of on-line ordering: you may get delivery in time, and if you're in the right place, maybe avoid taxes.
The link shows the bars, but the home page boggles your mind with possibilities. I like them because they're unique in design. The stability ball and some of the other stuff can all be found at Wal-Mart or K-Mart or maybe even Target for less, with no shipping costs.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007, 7:30 AM
OP here
Thanks for all the great ideas! He could definitely use some new T-shirts and a new gym bag for sure!!
I'll also have to look into a fitness class we could do together. One idea is that he doesn't know how to swim and I think that's a life skill that everyone needs to have.
Thanks again for the ideas!!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007, 4:37 PM
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