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Gym membership as a Christmas present

My mom spoiled a present for me... she is talking about a gym membership and only spoiled because she didn't want to get it and "offend" me. I am 100 lbs overweight and have been dieting since I was in high school... I just laughed and told her the membership would be a godsend not an insult.

Mon. Dec 3, 10:54am

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What a great present, then! Enjoy it!

Just know that in January you usually have to deal with the Resolution Crowd, but it generally dies off by the middle of February or so, so don't get discouraged or annoyed if the gym seems too busy when you go in January :) It's temporary (unfortunately!)

Monday, December 3, 2007, 1:15 PM

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1:15 - I laughed at your comment - I used to go to the free gym when I was in university, and went all the time. I showed up in January, and was thinking, "what the ...where did all these people come from!" You're right though, it was back to normal by february!

Monday, December 3, 2007, 2:23 PM

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I was thinking about the same thing for my mom. I hope she doesn't take it the wrong way, but a new one just opened near her and she's mentioned it several times. Since my sister just joined I though I might get one for her so they could go together if they'd like. Gifts like that can be tricky depending on the person so I'm still a little hesitant.

Monday, December 3, 2007, 4:37 PM

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Another problem with a gift like that (obviously doesn't apply to the OP) is that just because they have the membership doesn't mean they'll use it. If they don't want to work out, having a gym membership might work for a week at best. In fact, they're less likely to if it didn't cost them anything.

Monday, December 3, 2007, 4:40 PM

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I used to belong to a women's only gym. One year a guy walked in to buy a membership for his wife for Valentine's Day. I thought it was a great idea (hearts for Valentine's...cardio for hearts) but wondered if he spent any nights on the couch.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007, 8:04 AM

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