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who thinks there fat

If you are 5 feet tell me how much you weigh cause i feel fat im 115

Mon. Jan 16, 4:58pm

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I'm 5'1", and weigh 122 lbs. I am not fat. I wear a size 4 pants, and a small or medium top (big boobs).

By definition, you have a normal BMI, and are not over weight. You are at a perfectly healthy weight for your height. I'm sorry that you feel fat.

Monday, January 16, 2006, 5:19 PM

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I am 5 ft

and i weight 138. Trying to lose though..............well, tone up anyway! I am not happy with my body and am finally doing something about it! :)
I also agree with your other thread- Peertrainer SHOULD start a chat room! :)

Monday, January 16, 2006, 11:31 PM

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I'm 5'1" and 128.
I want to get down to 108.
You are definately not fat. I was in great shape when I weighed 115, very toned and healthy - hopefully I'll be there again soon :)
Is this you're normal weight? Or is there a specific reason you're feeling fat right now?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 10:53 AM

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for my height i should weigh more but i think that im fat when i look in the mirror i see fat

Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 3:32 PM

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by no standards ore you close to fat. Maybe the issue is not physical, but emotional?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 3:39 PM

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From what you have said, and the mane in which you have said it all in yours posts, its sounds like your ARENT fat...i consider fat to FAT!! im talking ROLLS!!
Not small moundsof flesh that you have to pinch to grab...Rolls that fall out of your clothes!!!
The way you say you are fat, sounds kind of like maybe you could be depressed, and I dont want to just keep repeating what has been said before me, but could it be other issues in your life?
Sounds like you dont have a very good self image whatsoever, and maybe talking with someone about it would help.
I wish you all the best!
p.s. maybe this will help a little...i'm 5'9 (yes, my height is on my side), i weigh 196....and if I am truly honest with myself....I'M not FAT...overweight, big, call it whatever..but not fat!!!
Good luck!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 11:47 PM

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