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It's harder to lose weight when you are petite!
Petite women have lower calorie requirements and burn few calories when exercising. Many diet tools are inaccessible to us becasue they are geared for people who do not gain weight on 1200 calories per day.
Sat. Dec 1, 8:17pm
I too am petite but sometimes it's not JUST about calories. It's more about the type of calories, how many times you eat a day, etc. I am only 5' 2" and I weigh 134 and am trying to lose about 15 more pounds. Ten years ago I weight 230 pounds so I know it can be done, petite or not! It's tough but I found that eating small meals SEVERAL times a day has really helped. That along with working out religiously almost every day keeps me going and guess what, I am seeing results!
Sunday, December 2, 2007, 5:08 PM
5:08 Great post. WOW what an accomplishment. You are awsome. Thanks for the encouragement.
Sunday, December 2, 2007, 5:28 PM
I am 5 ft and have lost 17 pounds since May. I have found that eating 2 small snacks and 3 meals a day really helps me stay on track. It keeps me from nibbling etc. Mindless eating was a real problem for me. ALso logging regularly no matter if you are petite or not. I am pear shaped so it is harder to lose that weight. I have dropped 2 pants size so that makes me happy. Now I ned to maintain. Good for you 5:08, I agree exercise is also very important. i try and workout doing something everyday.
Monday, December 3, 2007, 8:12 AM
I am 5'1", and have gone from 130 lbs to 113 lbs (and now am 114-115; have been maintaining for quite awhile.)
What I found is, you need to pick and choose your calories. For me, that meant that I don't get to snack on things like baked lays or other "empty calories," because I'll only be hungry again soon - I have to choose things that are filling. Simple carbs had to go - I could eat a burger, but with a fork and knife, no bun. Way more filling, and for longer, than having something like a turkey sandwich on 2 slices of bread, and around the same number of calories.
Also, it just took longer. I couldn't get a deficit such that I could lose a pound a week. I lost 17lbs over about 2 years. So really less than a pound a month, on average. And, actually, it usually ended up being, I plateaued, and then if I got sick or something and lost weight, after I got better, I managed to keep that weight off. So I was really never steadily losing weight.
I didn't really work out much though.
Monday, December 3, 2007, 11:39 AM
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Tuesday, February 11, 2020, 1:41 AM
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