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"they said what?" The good comments...

Remember the "They Said What" thread? It was facinating and sad and cathartic. Let's talk about the good comments people have said since we have lost some weight?

Fri. Nov 30, 7:22pm

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After losing 35 lbs, about half of what I needed to lose:
"You look different. New haircut?"

I dunno...the good stuff just isn't as entertaining, is it.

Friday, November 30, 2007, 10:01 PM

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This morning my husband was giving me a hug. He put his hands on my waist and said "whoa, you're disappearing!" My waist IS getting smaller and I loved that he noticed.

Friday, November 30, 2007, 10:34 PM

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laughs.. I love that.. My husband looked at my arse and said you loose anymore I wont have enough to pinch.. he alsocommented on my waist that I am going to disappear soon.. so I know what you mean.. I love he is noticing my new sexy body, but to be fair he has always made me feel sexy.. I am very lucy to havesuch an amazing husand..

Friday, November 30, 2007, 10:47 PM

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I slimmed down to a size 9 when I was 19 after, well, 19 years of being over weight. One night I was going to go out with a friend but was wearing work clothes,so she lent me a pair of her "skinny" jeans AND THE FIT!! Then she kept raving about how amazing the pants looked, even going as far as to stop a random (attractive) guy and ask him "Doesn't she look amazingin those pants" and even he answered "yes"

That night I felt amazing. 6 years later I am over 100 lbs heavier but I still clinge to that moment and smile.

Saturday, December 1, 2007, 2:08 AM

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After losing quite a lot of weight, I was meeting a friend of mine. She was approaching me from behind, so she didn't recognize me right away. Later she told me that before she realized it was me, she instinctively put me into the 'skinny people category.' Yay! :)

Saturday, December 1, 2007, 4:33 AM

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I'm not sure which thread to put mine in... LOL

On Thanksgiving we took some family pics and when my MIL looked at them on her camera she exclaimed " Why, (name)! That doesn't even look like you!" Ummmmmm...........

Oh, well, guess I'll take it as a compliment! LOL

Sunday, December 2, 2007, 11:37 AM

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She said NOTHING because she didn't recognise me!

Old friend I hadn't seen for a while was in a shopping mall. I waved and she didn't react. Waved again and she looked confused....then this look of recognition crossed her face and she said "omg, I didn't realize that was you."

We talked for a few minutes and she added that I was looking really fit and healthy. Guess I was!

Sunday, December 2, 2007, 7:20 PM

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I've only lost 10 pounds, but I have just started, and a friend who knows how hard I'm working said she can already see it in my face and that my cheekbones are becoming more pronounced.

And I don't think she was just being nice!

Sunday, December 2, 2007, 7:55 PM

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A friend said to me, "Have you lost weight?"
I guess it's as simple as that!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 12:27 AM

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we went bowling the other day and my hubby told me later that he loved to watch me up there bowling because my butt was so tiny! (WAS huge!) I thought that was really cute! He is also the man that never once told me I needed to lose weight and was still was as attracted to me at my heaviest.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 11:08 AM

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I was going out to get the mail the other day and my neighbor was out and said, "Hey, Skinny!" Who? Me?!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 12:11 PM

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Someone at work said ' you've lost so much weight! Look at that cute little belt you're wearing'! I had a chain belt around my waist she was remarking about!!Yay!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 12:14 PM

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People keep asking me if I've lost's great but it makes me laugh because I've lost 40 lbs in 6 months - shouldn't it be obvious? haha

Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 12:17 PM

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Not exactly a comment, but....

I asked my husband to take pictures of me and my son putting ornaments on the tree. Going through them on the digital camera later, there was a bunch of close up shots of my butt! Guess it's a complement!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007, 1:35 PM

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I have lost over 25 pounds, and I did almost all of it more than three months ago. Weirdly, I didn't go down in clothing size until the very end of it, and then it was kind of all at once! I feel like my body needed to adjust to the change, as unscientific as that may sound, that's what I experienced. Also, it took ME a while to adjust to how to dress and present my new size 10 (not size 14) body. Once all that fell into place, EVERYONE started pointing out my weight loss, which I had not thought that significant. I get a comment almost every week, still. And of course, I vainly treasure them, but I feel like they are hard earned and will motivate me to stay on the right track. Here are a few favorites:

- Whenever anyone uses the word "tiny"... which happens often, even though I'm not, I guess I am tiny in comparison to before!
- When an old friend asked me if I have been eating because I looked "so thin". I know that an eating disorder is not something to be desired at all, but I was still flattered!
- When I was in an elavator with a guy I knew, and I made a disparaging comment about my body, and with all seriousness he said "You have a really great body." I had NEVER heard that before!

I also get way more attention from guys than I ever have before, and its astonishing and hard to get used to! I know its all quite superficial, but I really didn't need 25 pounds of fat hanging on my body! Now I am free of all that unecessary and unhealthy weight and I am more "me" and people can appreciate me for who I am!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 1:51 AM

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I have lost over 25 pounds, and I did almost all of it more than three months ago. Weirdly, I didn't go down in clothing size until the very end of it, and then it was kind of all at once! I feel like my body needed to adjust to the change, as unscientific as that may sound, that's what I experienced. Also, it took ME a while to adjust to how to dress and present my new size 10 (not size 14) body. Once all that fell into place, EVERYONE started pointing out my weight loss, which I had not thought that significant. I get a comment almost every week, still. And of course, I vainly treasure them, but I feel like they are hard earned and will motivate me to stay on the right track. Here are a few favorites:

- Whenever anyone uses the word "tiny"... which happens often, even though I'm not, I guess I am tiny in comparison to before!
- When an old friend asked me if I have been eating because I looked "so thin". I know that an eating disorder is not something to be desired at all, but I was still flattered!
- When I was in an elavator with a guy I knew, and I made a disparaging comment about my body, and with all seriousness he said "You have a really great body." I had NEVER heard that before!

I also get way more attention from guys than I ever have before, and its astonishing and hard to get used to! I know its all quite superficial, but I really didn't need 25 pounds of fat hanging on my body! Now I am free of all that unecessary and unhealthy weight and I am more "me" and people can appreciate me for who I am!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007, 1:51 AM

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I've lost 70 pounds in the last year, and yesterday I went to interview somebody I hadn't interviewed in about a year, and he extended his hand and said, 'Hi, I'm Nick."
I said, 'You don't recognize me?'
Then he said, 'Oh yes, I recognize your face.'
Later he asked if I had lost weight and admitted he didn't recognize me. It felt good.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 6:55 PM

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When I was on a big "fitness kick" years ago, I went to the gym like a fanatic!

I would go for a few hours every day - and when I started going to work again I got up at 4 am and still found a way to get to the gym.

There was a woman there that I always recognized, I saw her every day and would give her a smile. After about 5 months of this routine, she comes up to me one morning and says, "I don't even know you, but I am so proud of you. It's been remarkable watching you transform these past few months. You look like a million bucks. I hope you feel that way."

I cried on the way home from the gym that day. Hmm...I wonder how she's doing?


Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 7:47 PM

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What a nice thing for that woman to say! I've started making a point of verbalizing my positive thoughts - as in, if I think someone's outfit is fabulous - I tell them. Why keep that to myself? And, one day, a similar circumstance - I'd been going to the gym at the same time everyday and I regularly saw a woman working with a trainer. At one point I stopped her and told her she was really getting her money's worth - that she looked fantastic. She had a huge smile and thanked me.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 10:02 PM

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This summer countless people have said, "Your legs are so toned!"

My 16 year old neice told her mom/my sister, "Aunt ____ looks like a teenager. I bet she weighs 120." (I was 138 at the time) =D

My neighbor said if I lose anymore weight I'm going to disappear.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009, 10:17 PM

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I have lost about 28.8 lbs and 3 months and have been hearing fabulous comments from all of my family and friends. However, I live with my parents and my dad (who is a retired Army colonel) is a person who never (or RARELY) gives compliments about anything. One of the best things to hear.... my uncle told me that my dad had told him that he would never believe how I looked when he saw me and that I had done a total transformation. It felt great to know that my dad is that proud of me to be telling the rest of the family of how good I looked!! =)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009, 10:19 PM

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Last week at work I was heading to a meeting, and was trailing behind some other people - one of whom looks a little like me (same hair, wearing similar clothes that day). Someone mistook her for me when she walked into the room and she said "Yeah, I wish I looked as good as she does."

That felt good!

Thursday, July 16, 2009, 11:53 AM

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On Sunday I was out for a walk with hubby and he had his arm around my shoulder and said, "You're getting tiny!"

This is HUGE for me... I have the least observant husband in the world!! Really, I've now lost over 30lbs and everyone else has noticed, but now that he has it really means something to me!!

Monday, July 27, 2009, 9:12 PM

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It's been 6 weeks since I started working out nearly every day. My husband massages my leg every night (old injury) and told me he's really noticed a difference. :-)

We've both commented on how nicely toned certain muscles are during sex! It was always great, but now it's gotten even better.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009, 12:02 PM

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I've lost 60 lb in the last 1.5 years, so there's been lots! Here are some of my favorites:

The cashier at my college cafeteria saw admitted that he saw me at the sub counter, but wasn't sure it was me from the back view!! He then complemented me on my weight loss and said I look fabulous.

I was putting together a bed frame with friends - it was very cheap and didn't look like it would hold much! After getting the mattress and box spring on there, my friends decided that the skinny one should test it out first. What, that's me??

A few days ago, I had to help some other friends "break" into their house after they locked their keys in. Someone had to be lifted up to a high window and hoisted in, and that was me because I was the smallest and lightest!

Countless others, like being complemented on my athleticism (me?!?!?!) and simple things like "You shrank!"

Wednesday, July 29, 2009, 11:45 AM

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My parents keep telling me I look thinner, but they do too because they're eating the same way I am (Dr. Furhman's ETL). Yesterday, however, my sister, who is not losing weight since she continues to eat junk food, told me I looked thinner and asked how much weight I'd lost. When I said 12 pounds, she said, "Sh**! How much do you weigh?" When I told her 137, she asked my mom how much SHE weighed (126), and then refused to tell us HER weight, since she was embarrassed. My sister is much taller than either of us, which is part of the reason she weighs more, but it was funny, since she's the better looking, skinnier of the two of us.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009, 3:07 PM

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