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weight loss and acne
I have recently lost my first 10 pounds. (Yay!) I also normally have very clear skin. But since I've been exercising and eating better, I am starting to break out more. Are these related? And if so, how I can stop this? I've never had to buy any kind of skin care products for acne, so I wouldn't even know what to buy. Any suggestions/thoughts/advice?
Fri. Nov 30, 5:49pm
It could be a sign of detoxing, it could be sweating issues (not washing face after workout or working out with make up residue on face) or if you've changed your diet, it could be a food intolerance.
Friday, November 30, 2007, 9:47 PM
I wish I did but you know now that I think about it when I started losing weight several years ago, that's when the acne started. How odd and I still struggle with it today, the cystic kind! So now I get to fight acne and wrinkles at the same time. Gee, what a comforting thought.... I thought maybe someone up above was getting me back for not having much of it during my teen years. I just can't see though how eating healthy (non fried foods, no oily foods, etc) could possibly do this!
Friday, November 30, 2007, 9:48 PM
I have laost 10 lbs and doing everything right and all of a sudden my sick is NASTY! Help!
Saturday, December 1, 2007, 8:05 PM
i have always battled acne
hey i know how you feel, i have struggled with acne for almost 15 years, and am now taking a very strong medicine to combat agaist it, i have the cystic kind though that cant be treated well with topical stuff. since you normally have good skin the best suggestions i have for combating it is washing your face both before and directly after a work out, making sure to use a fresh clean towel or paper towels. always in the morning and before bed as well. (just don't scrub it really hard) and try to use an exfoliator once a week. also, wal-mart carries a line called acnefree (it has benzoyal peroxide), and its similar to proactive and it helped me. also neutrogena has a similar line with salicyclic acid in it. if one doesn't work for you the other will. additionallly, make sure that anything that touches your face is non-cognegenic with no oil. most importantly, do not mess with it alot, KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF YOUR FACE. the bacteria on your fingers make it spread like wildfire across your face and will only make it worse. i know the temptation is huge, but if you just let it go, and not pop it, you'll save yourself scarring and more zits!
Sunday, December 2, 2007, 1:31 AM
The other posters may be right in that it may be from not washing your face properly after and before working out. Are you wearing makeup when you exercise. Wash your face before and put on a gel or lotion containing 2% BHA. If you are at the gym bring your own towel or try not to wipe your face with the same towel that touches the equipment.
Also, it could be a coincidence. A lot of women who had clear skin when they were younger get acne when they are older. I recently read a book called Breaking Out by Lydia Preston and Tina Alster and it gives a great explanation of what acne is and isn't. I borrowed it from the library.
Sunday, December 2, 2007, 8:34 AM
what is BHA?
Monday, December 3, 2007, 1:05 PM
1:05 PM - see link below for your question
this website has tons of information on skin care. No need to buy anything.
Monday, December 3, 2007, 8:08 PM
i too lost my first 10 pounds and broke up so bad!
im on accutane now. so hopefully i will be over with for good in 5 months!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007, 4:52 PM
yikes- be careful with accutane!! It has been found to cause depression and it got me REALLY badly. and DO NOT get prego!
to the OP- is there a food that you started eating when you began to lose weight? It sounds like you are allergic to something that you are eating. That can casue the cystic kind.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007, 8:53 PM
I HATED accutane! I took it over 10 years ago. I was horribly depressed, felt achy, had severly dry skin, worse acne than ever before, and even a decrease in night vision. It was the worst 4 months of my life. I could barely leave the house. Then finally my acne cleared up and I was off the accutane. I enjoyed clearish skin for 1 year or so. Then the zits can back. I'm now on tretinx and I'm taking minnocin 200 mg daily. This cleared me up last summer (minus the tretinx). I was clear during the cooler months. Then this summer I broke out again. I'm hoping the minnocin will do it's job again. This time I'll keep on the medication. I don't want to have to play "catch up" again next summer.
Good luck to all the zit sufferers. It can really tear you down.
Thursday, December 13, 2007, 12:46 PM
I've had adult acne since turning 11 - not the cystic scaring kind, but the pimples, blackheads and some 'undergrounder' kind. It's got to be hormone related, as when I was pregnant, I cleared up so nicely, and it gets worse/better depending on that time of the month. The only product I have tried that really helped was the salycilic acid - that makes me have almost clear skin. I use a neutrogena wash product morning and night, and if it's really bad I use the astringent wipes at night (twice daily is too drying). both of these products have the salycillic acid.
Thursday, December 13, 2007, 1:33 PM
body wrap to detox
the acne is probably not from a lack of washing. I also lost weight in the last few weeks and now suddenly i have acne on my face, back, head, buttocks. It's from the release of toxins stored in your fat. I'm going to get a body wrap next week that will help detoxify my body and tighten my skin. Both problems solved!
Also talk to the folks at the health food store about detoxifying your body and see what products they recommend.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010, 8:55 AM
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