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Gold or silver or platinum?

My boyfriend hinted that he might be buying me jewelry for christmas (yay!) and asked what I like best. I used to like gold but I don't get out in the sun as much and I'm thinking silver, but I heard platinum is even better. Any suggestions?

Fri. Nov 30, 10:04am

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What does gold and getting out in the sun have to do with this dilemma?
By the way, it looks like all the cool kids are getting titanium these days.

Friday, November 30, 2007, 10:15 AM

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Don't tell him a specific metal. Give him hints/directions on style. Remember, he asked what you like best- if you've never worn platinum before it would be a little odd to tell him it's what you like best.

If you just pick the most expensive thing you are gonna get yer @$$ dumped right quick...

Friday, November 30, 2007, 10:22 AM

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The style is more important than if it gold, silver or whatever. I personally like platinum or white gold but if its a style I don't like then I would not wear it even if it was what I liked best.

Friday, November 30, 2007, 10:45 AM

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Why not just say what you did here?
"I've always liked gold, but I already have a lot of gold jewelry and am open to a new look. So get something you'd like to see me wearing!"

Friday, November 30, 2007, 1:01 PM

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platinum is really expensive. And unless you're really hard on your jewellry, it's excessive. Personally, I'm a firm believer that people have warm or cool undertones, so regardless of your tan or lack there of, you should wear whatever best suits your complexion.

Friday, November 30, 2007, 1:12 PM

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Platinum, white gold, and silver all look virtually the same. So if that's the color you want, just tell him the color. Let him pick the metal.

If it were for something like an engagement ring, then be concerned about the metal, b/c you wear it right against your skin forever. For me, mine is platinum b/c I am allergic to gold. But I can certainly still wear gold necklaces, etc. Not earrings though!

One thing to note about white gold, though, is that it's made white by a coating; underneath, it's yellow. So if it's something that you're going to wear a ton, it may eventually need to be refinished, as it may turn yellow. But, that's with a LOT of wearing, close to your skin (like a ring); not really for things like a pendant.

Friday, November 30, 2007, 2:26 PM

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I see what you mean by not getting out in the sun enough to wear gold, but even on fair skin, gold can still be pretty.

I wouldn't focus so much on the metal, but definitely the style and possibly a specific designer.

For fashion jewelry, silver is fine, think Tiffany & Co. or David Yurman, both which are my favorites for classic pieces.

Gold or White Gold for rings, like a right hand ring which is very popular these days.

Leave platinum to higher end pieces, like an engagement ring or if his budget allows for pieces set in platinum.

Friday, November 30, 2007, 3:30 PM

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Odd, my wedding ring is a combination of white and yellow gold. It's 20 years old, has a brushed surface that has been re-brushed several times and the white gold is still white. No change at all.

One would think that a coating would have brushed off with the first restoration of the texture.

Saturday, December 1, 2007, 5:25 PM

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My rings (engagement and band) are over 60 years old and white gold. I get them cleaned and checked once a year but have not had a problem with them turning yellow.

Saturday, December 1, 2007, 6:40 PM

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