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personal trainers
how many of you work with a personal trainer? on average, how much does one typically pay per session with a trainer and can you do monthly packages? are these fees in addition to the regular monthly gym membership? is it even possible to get a trainer but not do it in a gym?
i'm considering it ... i need some help.
Thu. Nov 29, 11:03am
I've used the personal trainer at our gym. Depending upon their level of training, sessions range between $50-65/session, with discounts if you buy in 'bulk.' And, yeah, it's in addition to our monthly gym fee.
Check online for personal trainers in your town. I'm sure you'll find plenty that work on their own, so you don't have to join a gym and pay for a trainer. They'll come to you with equipment and tailor your exercises to what you like to do, where you will work out, etc. Now, I have no idea how much these charge, but you save $500-1000/year from not joining a gym!
Thursday, November 29, 2007, 11:15 AM
Personal trainers and gym memberships are somewhat mutually exclusive.
Generally, a gym membership does not include any sessions with personal trainers (or sometimes may include one intro session). I've never heard of a gym membership that includes personal training. However, at the gym, if the gym has trainers, you can always ask them questions when they're out on the floor - i.e. how to use a machine, how much weight, proper form, etc. But for a full session, you will have to pay. How much, I'm not sure. More than I can afford.
You can also hire a personal trainer outside of a gym; you'll just have to know where to look, and have somewhere to work out. That place could be as simple as your living room, provided you have some equipment, such as those rubber band things for resistance, and a stability ball, and maybe a few weights. You can look online, in the yellow pages, or places like Craigslist, to find personal trainers that aren't associated with a specific gym. They also may be a bit cheaper, as they don't have to split their fee with the gym. However, look for references, etc. - you are essentially inviting a stranger into your home.
To cut costs more, you can see if a trainer would be willing to train you and a friend at the same time. You get less individual attention, but you'll pay less too.
Thursday, November 29, 2007, 11:16 AM
I don't use the gym but I do have a personal trainer I use once a month to help me modify my workouts. We normally go to the park and I found her by going to the ACE website
Thursday, November 29, 2007, 11:38 AM
can you please tell me what ACE stands for? thanks!
Thursday, November 29, 2007, 12:53 PM
ACE stands for the American Counsel on Exercise.
Thursday, November 29, 2007, 1:29 PM
There are some very high end gyms where some personal training is free, but not many, I think. I think $65/hour is about typical in my area (suburbs of a big city). Probably higher in Manhattan and less in the boonies. They typically want to sell you packages of a specific number of sessions for a modest discount. I advise against buying the package until you know you get along with the trainer.
Some trainers have their own studios and you go to them. This costs more but I don't know how much.
There are a few trainers/services with large trucks outfitted as gyms and they come to you. I heard a price for one years ago, have forgotten it, but it was 2-4 times what a trainer at a gym costs.
There are more trainers who will come to your house and advise you in using whatever equipment you have (maybe none). I don't know prices but 50% more than at the gym seems fair.
Some trainers, in gyms and out, will accept 2 people at once as another poster mentioned.
If all you need is advice by email, I know there are such services, but don't know price.
There are lots of different professional certifications relating to exercise. Some can be acquired quickly by relatively brainless people, and some require years of formal study and days of exams. If you have injury-related issues, you may want to pay special attention to this.
Thursday, November 29, 2007, 3:43 PM
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