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Anyone watch Oprah yesterday?
Did the weight loss stories motivate you? The lady that lost the most was 530 lbs. off! Man and I gripe and don't want to start with 70 lbs to lose!
Thu. Nov 29, 10:37am
I wish I did see it, I love those stories!
Thursday, November 29, 2007, 11:49 AM
I caught the rerun at 1am...I loved the pride that the success story folks openly took in their accomplishment, even though most people out their would put them down for letting themselves get into that state in the first place. And I thought it was great that Oprah gave them pieces of home cardio/gym equipment - something that will help them maintain their phenomenal achievements - as a gift rather than something more fluffy like a wardrobe makeover.
Thursday, November 29, 2007, 11:56 AM
I thought is was awesome! It did motivate me, those shows always do. It's a reminder that we are in control of what we put into our bodies, whether we choose to move, what we're willing to do to take care of ourselves!
And, not to discount medical issues, I loved that the first guest acknowledged that 'yes, I had a thyroid issue, but that's not why I weighed 600 pounds - it was the food.'
Thursday, November 29, 2007, 12:12 PM
I wanted to see this, but was babysitting and forgot to set the tape!
Thursday, November 29, 2007, 12:22 PM
Missed the show myself, but re-read the stores on Found this letter particularly interesting and inspiring:
Will add a link as well.
Along these lines, what shows/books/articles have you found to be particularly inspiring? I'm interested in personal stories more than diet books. Thanks!
Thursday, November 29, 2007, 1:53 PM
no, but i'm logging onto right now, 'cause i need a little inspiration:)
Thursday, November 29, 2007, 2:00 PM
It was amazing. I was particularly inspired by the second person that was on. The guy. When I started my diet I weighed what he did at the beginning. So I know it is possible. And he was so happy and excited about it.
And the woman who had to go to the cemetary to exercize because some kid threw a bottle at her. Man. I thought people talking about you was hard. I don't understand how people can be so cruel.
But come to think of it that is why I seldom leave my house. It is hard knowing you are going to face and have to deal with pain everytime you step out your door.
And then we get posts on here that say we shouldn't sit on the subway or people should tell you how fat you are or how they don't want to sit near a fat person on a plane.
And you wonder why people just keep eating.
Ok I am done with my own personal rant.
They all were amazing though and I am so thankful she had the show. I was told by 2 different people so I wouldn't miss it.
Man there are a lot of us in the same possition.
I just want a life. So bad.
Finally bad enough to do something about it.
Thursday, November 29, 2007, 5:26 PM
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