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Avoiding side aches?

I need some advice on side aches. I have been running consistently for almost 2 years now. I usually run at night and can't drink anything after about 3:30 or else I get really bad side aches. But I run 2 times a week in the morning and I ALWAYS get a side ache. I don't drink or eat anything before to try to avoid it but I still get them. Any suggestions? They are really bad, to the point that I have to stop and they will hurt later in the day. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Tue. Nov 27, 1:46pm

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those aches can often be caused by slight dehydration... what aren't you drinking anything an hour before running?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 1:50 PM

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I haven't been drinking anything 90 minutes before I run because through trial and error I found that it gave me side aches. Hmmm so this could mean I would get one either way? If I'm dehydrated and if I drink a little water pre-workout?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 2:21 PM

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it could be your form is bad if after 2 years you still get aches.

Remember not to lean forward. Keep your shoulder back, back straight, and don't swing your arms in front of you. Keep them swinging at the side.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 3:08 PM

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Thanks for the advice so far everyone!

Sorry, OP here again. Not meaning to argue, just explain!

That's the thing. I don't get them when I run in the evening, just if I run in the morning. It makes it hard when it's the only time I have to run! Not to mention miserable! Any other suggestions?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 5:29 PM

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I'm a runner too and used to get side aches occasionally. From what I understand, side aches are usually caused by tension on the ligaments around your diaphragm. In essence, you may be breathing too shallowly.

The advice I got was to "belly breathe." Focus on breathing deeply while you run and the side aches will go away. You should feel the breath expand your belly on inhale and then exhale audibly. It worked for me.

BTW, this is just a theory, but you may be breathing more shallowly in the morning because your core isn't stretched out like it would be after a day of normal activity. Everything is simply stiffer in the morning, including the abs/chest area.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 6:40 PM

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Thank you so much for all the advice, I'll try focusing more on my breathing and my form and see if that helps. Also I think stretching my core before my run is a great idea. Thanks!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 6:52 PM

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There was study that said people with EIA (Exercise Induced Asthma) are better able to workout in the evening. If you've had asthma as a child or anything, it may just be that you do have a harder time breathing in the morning.

Your muscles are always tighter at the beginning of the day (I look way better first thing in the morning than at the end of day!) and if you're not stretching your muscles sufficiently before hand, that's likely the factor. (I mean, you haven't been moving much or bearing weight for likely 6 or more hours, and then you go for a run first thing?) Your body definitely needs a good warm up first.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 8:47 PM

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