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how much would you lose for $6710/year?

Amazing article about hiring and salary discrimination against overweight people of both sexes in the Wall Street Journal. Holy Moly! If you are overweight, you probably can't get the job. And if you do, the average salary difference is enormous.

Makes that gym membership fee seem more than justifiable!


Tue. Nov 27, 11:38am

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This totally caught my attention. Wow. So interesting.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 12:10 PM

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Wow. Very interesting. And I know this is the case in many businesses. Think about the things you buy in the store. The packaging, the labels...we're are visual creatures. It's sad, but it makes sense. We are hesitant to "buy" the person in the "less than perfect" package even if the label reads "quality product".

Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 1:43 PM

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it makes sense. a lot of business is representation. you have to dress nicely, speak nicely, and yes, look nice. it's sad, but regardless of talent, do you want the fat girl or the skinny girl to talk to people?

on a similar, tangent, if someone doesn't dress nicely, do you want the slob or the neatly presented person?

it's how people see you.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 5:36 PM

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Thanks for this thread. This is a HUGE reason I want to lose weight before I graduate with my MBA. I don't want to be struggling to find a great paying job because of my weight.

Sunday, December 30, 2007, 9:57 PM

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I am living proof that this is so true. Several years ago I got a job that I settled for cause I needed to work and was having trouble finding a job. I had excellent qualifications but was also 90 pounds overweight. Although I still dressed in business suits and looked neat and not sloppy I was judged by my appearance. I lost 100 pounds and started looking for another job, I was offered 2 similar jobs as the one I already had, one at about $48k more a year and the other at $55k more. Unfortunately it happens and I can totally understand why. You represent the company and a lot of people go by first impressions even in the business world. They don't want a big fat slob being the person who represents them.

Monday, December 31, 2007, 11:40 AM

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