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In the market for an elliptical and need opinions....

I'm leaning towards the Nordic Track line because I like the SpaceSaver feature.

I don't need many bells & whistles but I have a question about the stride for those of you who use ellipticals.

I'm 5'0" and short legs and long torso. Will I be kicking myself if I go with their model that doesn't have adjustable ramp and has a set stride of 18"? I realize with the ramp feature you alter the muscle group your workout focuses on but I'm wondering if having ramp feature could make someone short like me more comfortable during a workout because incline changes the shape of the elliptical stride so I could tweak the ramp for my short legs and short stride.

For the non-commercial elliptical users I'd like your opinion if you think adjustable incline is worth an added $250.


Mon. Nov 26, 10:23pm

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I just purchased a machine for home use after moving away from my gym where I loved the Precors with the moving arms and fixed-ramp (I have uber long legs so the incline is not for me). I checked out Nordic Track, New Balance, Precor and Sports Art. The New Balance and the Sports Art machines that I looked at had adjustable strides and after comparing/contrasting them with machines that didn't - I immediately plunked down the extra $$. Even a 19" stride is too short for me and if I'm not comfortable or can't really step out (I have a very long stride), I'm not going to use it very often. I went with the Sports Art because you can adjust the stride to 26"! I tell you I was in long-stride heaven! I have to say that personally I think the exact same reasoning applies to you - get what is most comfortable. If it makes a difference in how much you use it, that $250 will be money well spent.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 12:27 PM

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I am 5' 3" with short legs and do not own an elliptical, but have used different kinds at different gyms. I have gotten to the point where I will not use an elliptical without an adjustable ramp. My workplace got the heavy-duty Nautilus ellipticals with magnetic resistance but no stride adjustments, and they are the most uncomfortable things ever!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 12:32 PM

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12:27- I hate hate hate ellipticals for a variety of reasons, however, I give you kudos because I think Sports Art makes the best ellipticals out there. I used to sell fitness equip and I wish more of my customers had put down the bit more money for that much more value. Good choice!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 1:27 PM

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1:27 - they're not my fave either, but I have medical issues that require me to work out frequently and keep the impact as low as possible. An ellipitcal machine helps me get a good workout and it's just about as handy as a treadmill. However because the elliptical doesn't allow for as much freedom of motion (you're limited to exactly what the machine allows), I really wanted to make sure that what I bought had the kind of motion I prefer. Which is why I think the OP will be happier with her purchase if it supports her natural stride better. My best advice is try as many machines as possible and do so for at least ~10 minutes at a time.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 2:00 PM

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OP here...

Thank you soooo much for all of the great feedback here! One important fact that I failed to mention is that I am 5'0" BUT hubby is 6'4"!!! I guess I didn't really take his height into account because I just figure hell will have to freeze over before he uses it - I should be more optimisitc, though!

I will check out the Sports Art! Definately!

I am also sold on it needing stride adjustments!!

I will also plan on testing them for a good 10 minutes!

Thanks everyone!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 6:00 PM

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