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Is it possible to NOT gain weight over the holidays?

Anyone BTDT? I don't want to deal with tight buttons and zippers.

Mon. Nov 26, 11:14am

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I don't know what BTDT means, but yes, of course it's possible to not gain weight over the holidays! It's the same as not gaining weight any other time of year.

Don't let Thanksgiving until New Years be one giant holiday. There are 3 days that are holidays - Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years (or maybe not, depending on your religious/cultural beliefs/country of origin/etc.) Every time there's a Christmas cookie or piece of candy around does not mean you have to take it - just like every time there's cookies or candy around for other reasons, like b-days, etc., you don't have to take it.

If you splurge on a treat, count it as a meal, and not an addition or an accident. Big piece of chocolate cake? Sure, not the most nutritional lunch, but if you've already had it, then skip your sandwich/lean cuisine/whatever it is you were going to eat. Find that you're hungry sooner? Learn your lesson - cake means you're hungry/uncomfortable moreso than a healthy sandwich. Therefore, next time, don't have the cake, have your lunch.

Load up on the healthy stuff, and just small portions of the unhealthy stuff that you can't pass up (and pass up what you can.) Turkey or ham aren't unhealthy, and neither are veggies (if they're not covered in butter/cheese/hollandaise.) Have more of them than the other food served.

Don't play "save the best for last" when you're eating. Instead, eat the part of the plate that is the "best" first, and work backwards. It'll leave you less inclined to finish your plate. If you're nearly full and something really yummy is left, you'll eat it. But if it's something you don't care about as much, you're more likely to stop when you're getting full instead of being totally stuffed.

Good luck!

Monday, November 26, 2007, 11:49 AM

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I agree! And, really, what's out there that's so special that you HAVE to eat? Most things aren't so special that we can't get it 24/7. If not, I agree with the pp, eat it first and then you can savor it, enjoy it and then be done with it!

Monday, November 26, 2007, 12:04 PM

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Yes it is possible. In fact, I lost 8 lbs last week!... I have been watching my calories and exercising 30 minutes a day. Then when I see all the high calorie food, I remember how hard it was to do all those situps and pass on the pumkin pie lol

Monday, November 26, 2007, 12:05 PM

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Of course it's possible. It just depends on how badly you want it.

Monday, November 26, 2007, 12:13 PM

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8 lbs? Wow.

I ate more than I normally do but did manage to lose 1 lb. I worked out more than normal. So it is possible. If you indulge in some treats, try to get in a little extra workout.

Monday, November 26, 2007, 12:15 PM

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Of course its possible. Last year I lost 12 pounds between halloween and New Years. You just can't go crazy about what your eating and you have to continue exercising. Don't forget when your shopping park at the end of the lot, especially this time of year when the malls are so crowded just find a far away spot and that will be a mini power walk as well as using stairs.

Monday, November 26, 2007, 1:07 PM

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I agree. If you are going to splurge make it the single days. Not the whole season.
I know it can be easier said than done but for myself I just have made up my mind this is my new lifestyle and I am not only ok with it, I love it.
I enjoy the food I make now way more than I used to. What is there to go back to?
I was just saying to someone today how strange it is because I would rather eat at home than at a resturant. I like my cooking better.

Yes you can lose weight over the holidays, how bad do you want it?

Monday, November 26, 2007, 11:26 PM

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Thr thing to keep in mind is that you are not going to deprive yourself of special foods but not every day is special. You don't need to have the eggnog AND the stuffing AND the potatoes AND the pie. What are your favorites? Plan to include one of them in a meal (a small serving) and don't forget your cardio. Even if it is a nice walk between meal and dessert. Get everyone out of the kitchen and away from the TV and go for a walk, hike, sledding, SOMETHING. If you are tempted to eat while you clean up, ask someone else to help and keep you legal. There are low fat, low carb versions of almost everything. Make it and serve it or bring it. I don't eat carbs as a rule. For Thanksgiving I had a small slice of pumpkin pie, ate turkey and vegie dishes, made a wine spritzer (red wine and seltzer). Didn't bring home any leftovers and doubled up on cardio the next day. Also remember, that all this food is really available all year long but time with friends and family may not. Concentrate on what is really important. Good luck.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 7:46 AM

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Tuesday, November 27, 2007, 11:57 AM

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Possible, but statistically not likely

It's not just the temptations around you. It's trading exercise time to go shopping and feeling grumpy because of it. It's the stress of racking your brains for gifts, standing in long line-ups, getting jostled about and overspending. It's the extra alcohol (hence reduced inhibitions, including your ability to curb your eating).

Fight it, of course. But forgive yourself. Can't wait to see what this site will look like on Jan 1!

Thursday, December 13, 2007, 9:13 PM

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It's possible but you really have to watch yourself. I'm not really into meat and I love root veggies so holidays are the worst for me. tons of carrots, sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes everywhere. As such I usually bring a grilled/baked sweet potato with real butter and have that with soup and a salad or any green veggies that are offered and I follow that with a BITE of every single dessert on the table.

FYI, I also bicycle about 15 miles a day, so my advice might not be the best to follow.

Thursday, December 13, 2007, 9:22 PM

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This isn't spam, please don't flag it

Sally Squires has a healthy eating column in the Washington Post called The Lean Plate Club. Every year from Thanksgiving to New Years she has a "Holiday Challenge". The premise is that studies have shown that it is very difficult to lose weight during this period so the challenge is to not GAIN any. She gives tips every week. Her column is one of the weapons in my weight loss arsenal.


Friday, December 14, 2007, 6:07 AM

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