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The things we do for fitness...we had a storm last night and my car was frozen shut. After struggling I was determined to not miss going to the gym...I CLIMBED IN THROUGH THE TRUNK!!! Nope, it's not a van or a hatchback either...a nice little two door. It was quite funny but I had a great workout! :) Anyone else have any funny stories?
Sun. Jan 15, 1:30pm
I woke up to snow too..... Are you in New England as well?
Sunday, January 15, 2006, 3:43 PM
Long rained last night and then got cold...slushy ice with snow on top, and very windy..yuck!
Sunday, January 15, 2006, 3:50 PM
Ok, maybe I'm silly, but did you have a great workout in the trunk? Hah!
Monday, January 16, 2006, 6:20 AM
Getting in and out was a workout...but I did drive to the gym too, haha! ;)
Monday, January 16, 2006, 10:05 AM
Congrats! That is great dedication. I must say. I am a true Californian and when it rains, I usually skip the gym. I'm pathetic! Props to you. If you can motivate yourself to do that, you can reach any goal! Good Luck.
Monday, January 16, 2006, 11:45 AM
When it's crummy out and my roommate is gone, I crank up the music and make up an aerobics workout, with mixes of things I remember from class, and when I can'tremember anymore, I just dance around until I think of other moves to do. It's fun, but it never lasts an hour like the gym classes do.
Monday, January 16, 2006, 12:14 PM
Well, I'm not that dedicated to the gym, but I am that dedicated to working out. I'm the one who posted a month ago about post-workout headaches that I deduced were caused by walking to and from the gym when the temperature is below about 30 degrees. So today I'm working my way through a bunch of fitness DVDs until I've met my exercise quota and might make a yoga class tonight if I'm not busy now that it's 28 degrees (the temp has just about doubled since this morning).
Wish I had a cute story like you Colleen...but the only thing out-of-the-ordinary that happened was bumping into my superintendant while I was using my building stairs for a workout. I hate when people catch me at it cuze I'm usually doing something ridiculous with my arms to keep my heart rate up.
Monday, January 16, 2006, 2:05 PM
Ok, now I am definitely going to the gym!
I don't have a story like that. The craziest thing I've done is drive to the gym on slippery snow-covered roads. The most embarassing thing that's happened is when my landlord came up stairs "to check on me" when I was jumping rope in my livingroom.
Monday, January 16, 2006, 5:08 PM
This morning was an episode for me on dedication. I use my computer to put in excercise VCDs. After I got dressed and laced up all ready for some butt kicking workout, I switched on the computer and the monitor died on me. I was so frustrated, so what I did next entails a change of attitude:
1. Pulled out my notebook and realised that I had formated the hardisk before and the VCD player program was not installed.
2. I remembered I had a backup of the program, put the CD in and copied it into the hardisk.
3. Then I couldn't upzip the file as I did not have the zip utility. I logged on to the internet using dial-up mind you as broadband was setup on my now defunct desktop. Downloaded free zip.
4. Unzipped the file, install the player and valla I am in business.
In days of old I would have just called it a day off! I'll make up for it tomorrow...maybe....
- barbara_j
Wednesday, January 18, 2006, 7:55 AM
I read that people have different optimum energy levels and you should workout when you know when yours is. For example, I have the most energy to do mind intensive work from 7 - 11am. I have little physical energy then. I have the most physical energy at 5pm so that's when I workout. If I workout at any other time, I have a terrible workout.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006, 11:40 AM
I woke up this morning to go for a bike ride, realized it was raining, and then reset the alarm clock and got back in bed. I was just awake enough to realize that if I didn't go ahead and get up this morning, I wouldn't get the bike ride in the evening... so I got up and drove to the gym to ride a stationary bike. My butt still hurts from the uncomfortable seat, but I'm proud I got up and did it!
Oh, and I love the original poster's story! I used to have a hatchback that I would occasionally have to crawl through the hatchback to get into. It was frustrating that I had to do it, but I always ended up laughing at myself and being proud that I'd done the whole ordeal! Congrats again...
Wednesday, January 18, 2006, 1:08 PM
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