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boots for people with calves

so winter has begun and I went on a fruitless search for boots yesterday and today. I found plenty that fit my feet (8 1/2- 9 womens) but none that fit around my calves. I know, I could just buy ankle boots, but I think they're ugly and don't keep my legs warm (one of the main points of boots). suggestions for stores/brands of boots for people with big calves? (I'm also a vegan and try to avoid buying leather if I can help it, however any suggestions would be welcome) thanks in advance!

Sun. Nov 25, 7:34pm

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Good luck. I was in the same boat as you, but I'm not opposed to leather boots and even tried to get them custom made. Ha! I sent them my measurements (an 18-inch calf) but they ignored the measurements and just made what ever they wanted (14 inches I think). I tried twice and gave up and got my money back. I wear ankle boots if I wear boots at all. I hope when my weight loss journey is finally successful, a pair of boots that fit over my calves will be my reward.

Sunday, November 25, 2007, 7:54 PM

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generally any kind of synthetic stretch fabric should fit... I have 17" calves, LOVE leather, and only have a hard time finding leather boots. Anything stretch always fits and is easily available.

Sunday, November 25, 2007, 8:05 PM

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jcrew has a good selection and work well for those with larger calves ... good luck.

Sunday, November 25, 2007, 10:27 PM

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last year I coudn't fit into any hihg boots - after a big weight loss I can this year and I bought 2 pairs so far! My first pair were leather but had a little elastic by the buckle and had a tag on it that said "wide-leg" so I would do a google search on wide-leg boots and see if they fit. they have a lot of give and still look fasionable.

Monday, November 26, 2007, 7:16 AM

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They are both catalogs for plus sized women, but they have boots with calf sizes up to 18 inches. Good luck!

Monday, November 26, 2007, 9:41 AM

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Second on the synthetic fabric. Get the stretchy kind and you won't have a problem.

Monday, November 26, 2007, 11:49 AM

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eddie bower makes boots with a wider calf option, but I feel like most I have seen are leather. but, they are out there!!

Monday, November 26, 2007, 4:35 PM

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haha I love this thread. So glad to feel I am not alone. I bought the ankle boots and I love them. Cant wait to get the sexy tall boots!!

Monday, November 26, 2007, 4:49 PM

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