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Falling off the bandwagon
I feel like I fell off and it's miles ahead of me!
I have to have to get back on and do well! I feel so terrible and I know I've gained about 10 pounds back that I worked so hard to get off.
Most of my days start off well but then by the end of the day I've managed to mess my diet up and/or find an excuse to skip going to the gym.
When you fall off the wagon what do you do to get back on and help keep you motivated? If I don't get back on right now I know it will be another 10 pounds before the holidays are over!
Sun. Nov 25, 7:20pm
I find contest or challenges to get me back to reality. I also don't think of myself on or off a diet.
Sunday, November 25, 2007, 7:23 PM
I start all over again with a new notebook for writing down my goals and keeping my food diary. I calculate my weight and figure out how much I'll lose if I eat so many calories a day. I write down my measurements (which also reminds me of how far I've come despite my recent transgression) AND I go back and reread an inspiring weight loss book. That and watching weight loss make overs on Oprah always gets me going!
And remember, you can jump right back on that wagon with the next meal, heck with that next bite! You don't have to wait until tomorrow or Monday or whatever. Do it right now.
Sunday, November 25, 2007, 7:33 PM
I change my perspective so I dont have a bandwagon to fall off of. I simply admit I didn't eat healthy, say that's not how I usually do things, and go back to eating properly the next day.
Sunday, November 25, 2007, 8:07 PM
In order to stay in a possitive place and keep at it I try and keep in the front of my thoughts always, why am I doing this?
I am doing this for me. To make me healthy, comfortable, able to do more.....
Whatever your reason for eating right remember why and how far you have come, even if you have gained some back. It is never too late.
The last time I "fell off" so to speak I ended up gaining 205 pounds. Ya that much. But I am already 137 pounds less and going strong. The only thing that keeps me going sometimes is to look at what I want my life to be like and I am the ONLY person that can change that. I am the one who has to make the hard choices. But I am worth it. And you are too.
Keep trying and working at it. Even if you fail or fall or however you want to look at it. Because when you give up completely you have nothing but more work to do in the end.
Good luck to you and keep reaching out.
I love Peertrainer for that. Support.
Sunday, November 25, 2007, 9:02 PM
I agree, don't consider this a diet. I saw a quote from another woman on PT. In her log it said, "This is not a diet, this is my life." Only make changes you want and can stick to. Make the best of every meal. If you want to skip the gym, remind yourself of how good you feel when you go, or have a back-up quick workout that you can do at home. You can go the distance with even the smallest steps!
Monday, November 26, 2007, 12:46 PM
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