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How Do I find the Best Type of Workout Shoes
I am hoping you all can help me. Do I stick with a running shoe for all my activities even though now I am no longer running but speedwalking and jogging a couple times a week along with step & general aerobic classes and lifting weights or do I need a pair or two of shoes for the different type of activities I am now doing. Any assistance would be so appreciated
Sun. Nov 25, 12:30pm
With that description - I suggest cross trainers. The guy at the sports store can help you find that type of shoe.
Sunday, November 25, 2007, 2:24 PM
I strongly recommend you go to a running or athlete store. Although you might not run all the time, the sales team SHOULD help you find a shoe that best suites your needs. For instance I went, and the sales associate noticed the way I stood, walked, jogged… they even looked in the sneaker I was currently wearing to take notice of how my foot molded to the sneaker… From there, they were able to help me pick out the BEST sneaker for me and my use. Good Luck ?
Sunday, November 25, 2007, 9:02 PM
I agree, go to a running store. They will really help you find a shoe that works best for you.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 2:02 PM
I agree with both previous posters. Running stores also carry crosstrainers and walking shoes. They will take the time to evaluate your feet and your needs and will line you up with the best fit for your feet and your functions. The personal attention from someone who evaluates shoes on a daily basis really makes a difference. Happy shopping!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 2:32 PM
Yup, that's what I do too- go to a athletic shoe fitting store and they examine your feet to see what shoes to get. Shoes may be pricey but well worth it in the end. In addition, I also wear inserts. I forgot what brand they are, but they're $30 and worth it. They help with my shin splints (but of course I have to ice my shins still...unfortunately).
Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 2:39 PM
I think the main differences are that running shoes tend to be lighter whereas cross trainers tend to be wider on the bottom and provide more stability for side to side movements. (My boyfriend used to work in a running shoe store and he explained it all to me once). I agree that a professional at an athletic store would be your best option.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008, 10:34 PM
Hi OP, to give a different experience... I own different shoes for different activities. I have trail-runners for walking outside, I have nike "dance fitness" sneakers for aerobics-type classes, and I have regular running shoes for the treadmill. I felt like regular running shoes got stuck on the floor during aerobics and they weren't sturdy enough for walking outside. I suppose it depends on how much wear the shoes would be getting, too; I exercise most days-
good luck!
Thursday, July 24, 2008, 8:20 AM
Go to a great athletic shoew store and have them size you and then try on every kind of shoe. It's worth your time. Once you find your brand and style, you have that knowledge and can use them for forever.
Thursday, July 24, 2008, 11:05 AM
I've a question, with the price of shoes as they are, is it really necessary to get new shoes every 3 months?
Thursday, July 24, 2008, 11:19 AM
Depends on how much you use them...and I thought the guideline was every 6 months or, for runners, 300-400 miles (walkers can get another 100 miles out of them before they need replacing apparently...can't quote my source, but I looked it up ages ago).
Thursday, July 24, 2008, 12:26 PM
Last I heard, this isn't concrete and I don't know where I heard it, it was 3 months but there wasn't a specification as to how much the shoes were actually used so I wonder how they decided that 3 months were a good time to replace. I've got some work boots that are going on 3 years now and they still do the job.
Thursday, July 24, 2008, 6:20 PM
I think those guidelines were set by the people that make and sell shoes. :)
I tend to wear my shoes until they break down more and not providing enough support and also have a couple that are more then a couple years old.
Also, it helps to alternate your shoes. I read that it takes about 24 hours for them to properly air out and if you wear the same shoe every day it is not good for the shoe or for you.
Friday, July 25, 2008, 11:16 AM
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