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I'm thinking about taking diet pills

I workout regularly and watch what I eat for the most part. However, I'm a stay at home mom and I find myself mindlessly eating. I've tried to really pay attention to this behavior and correct it, but I think an appetite suppressant might help curve some of these cravings and help me change my behavior.

Is there one out there that isn't full of caffiene and other crazy things? Preferably, one that is not so strong, since I think I just need a little help.

I'm 5'4", weigh around 135 and I'm trying to lose around 7-10 lbs.

Sat. Nov 24, 12:56pm

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a pear and a handful of almonds might help. Wash it down with a cup of green tea and you have a nice tea time that may well help with the hunger pangs.

Saturday, November 24, 2007, 1:55 PM

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this article might help as well. The central theme is ending the hunger cycle and you might be able to turn a negative into a positive with this approach.


Saturday, November 24, 2007, 1:57 PM

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i agree with the previous posters...definately try a few more natural approaches before falling onto the "pill" bandwagon.

eating green apples REALLY fills you up. :]

if you're STILL looking for something, supposedly hoodia is an appitite supressant that gets rid of cravings.

good luck, and PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE be careful:]

Saturday, November 24, 2007, 2:29 PM

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You've already gotten some good advice here about the pills, but I thought I'd share what I do when I get the urge to nibble.

When you feel the urge for a mindless nibble, grab your toothbrush and brush your teeth for two minutes. Then floss and then use a mouthwash. With your mouth feeling so clean, you won't want to nibble. When you brush for two mins, the "urge" to snack with subside and lastly, you'll have healthy teeth AND a healthy body!

Saturday, November 24, 2007, 3:35 PM

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Something I do when ever I feel hungry or like I could use something to eat, I grab a full glass of water, then I wait about 30 min to see if I am still hungry. Some of the times when you think you may be hungry you may actually be thirsty. It will help you "curve you cravings." Also what I did early on when I was getting serious about losing weight and getting in shape, every time I felt a bit hungry or wanted to snack, I instead of sitting and eating for 10 minutes or 30 got up and exercised. Use your cravings as a means for your goals.

Sunday, November 25, 2007, 12:53 AM

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