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post thanksgiving and...
I've LOST half a pound lolol :O
I've found the secret to surviving thanksgiving. Eat when you're hungry, but don't limit yourself. And either before eating or WAYY after eating, burn about 600 calories somehow (I ran).
Fri. Nov 23, 11:01am
Good for you! Keep it up! Not many people come out on the other side of Thanksgiving weighing less than they did before - yay!
If only more of us could live by this crazy notion you propose of only eating when we're hungry ;)
Friday, November 23, 2007, 11:34 AM
I actually think I did well yesterday. My trick? Instead of my won dessert, I had about 5 small bites off of other people's. They only had o give up a bite, and I only had about a third of what I might have had otherwise!
Friday, November 23, 2007, 12:02 PM
Sounds like you all did great, good for you.
I ate to my hearts content. I felt so sick having all the foods I never have. But I couldn't eat near what I used to. My body has changed so much. And if I had thought about it sooner I would have remembered to wear my tight pants. That always helps too.
I hope others were able to do well too.
If not, just pick yourself up and start again. It is worth it.
Friday, November 23, 2007, 4:11 PM
You guys did great! Planing ahead and getting through the all day eat-a-thon. Give yourselves a big pat on the back.
Friday, November 23, 2007, 7:08 PM
I'm the girl that talked about the desserts above. To the poster right above me, I think everyone ate well, I know I did, but we all tried to apply smart choices to the food we ate. Instead of a huge pile of mashed potatoes, I had a small bunch and a huge pile of collard greens. (Love living in the south again!)
Because trust me, there was no way I as not eating yesterday! :)
Friday, November 23, 2007, 11:10 PM
I enjoyed every bite, but I did eat fewer bites than usual--because it's more typical for me to eat myself sick on Thanksgiving, and that is NOT enjoyable really.
So I had it all--stuffing, gravy, pie, whipped cream--but I really relished it rather than just stuffing it into my mouth. I had a few satisfying bites of anything I wanted. Trust me, it didn't affect my socializing at all--I had a great time with my parents and a good friend and her husband, talking, cooking, playing games, and today hiking up a ridge with a two-sides view of water, watching bald eagles fight over fish, and playing in a pool.
So I had fun with my family and friends, felt great about lots of things, and ate everything I wanted to eat--but I didn't binge and I didn't eat just because the food was there. I enjoyed everything I love about the holiday...and didn't regret any of it later!
Friday, November 23, 2007, 11:46 PM
7:55 omg I completely agree with you! I get the sense that many people were getting anxious over one day. I mean, I know I didn't gain 20+ pounds in one day--it took about 5 years of regularly overeating to get to reach my highest weight. This was actually the first year that I can think of where I did not stuff myself, although I did eat too much pie! But I'm not feeling guilty.
Saturday, November 24, 2007, 2:12 AM
I agree. I allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted that day. But after such a long time eating healthy, I found that I just didn't need so MUCH of everything. a little bit of it of it all was just fine and I felt great after. I would really call this PROGRESS! Deprivation over the long term will never work.
Saturday, November 24, 2007, 3:37 AM
I guess I don't understand how we equate eating conscientiously, without over doing it, with deprivation. You can eat in moderation and still enjoy everything Thanksgiving has to offer. Thanksgiving kicks off a month long season of temptation and for some, staying the course through it all is what keeps them on track for the long haul. I commend those who didn't use Thanksgiving as an excuse to deviate from their long term goals.
Saturday, November 24, 2007, 11:05 AM
i'm the OP
Please, don't get me wrong - I ate EVERYTHING I wanted and still had seconds. I was just relating how ironic I found it that I actually ended up losing weight lol.
Plus, as many had said - everything I wanted PLUS seconds (and thirds....shh! lol) ended up being less that the fourths and fitfths I used to want. Plus, I actually FELT LIKE running afterwards, towards the evening when everything had "digested".
Saturday, November 24, 2007, 11:42 AM
I ate everything, but in moderation. I had no seconds. I had a slither of Pecan Cake and 2 small slices of Apple Pie. I am very pleased with my self.
Saturday, November 24, 2007, 6:06 PM
2:12 here
OP-- Oh no I wasn't refering to you in my comment but just wanted to agree with one of the posters about how ppl make think Thanksgiving will ruin their weight loss.
Sunday, November 25, 2007, 12:34 AM
True, one day of indulgence isn't going to undo people, but for some it doesn't end after Thanksgiving and the next thing they know they're up 5-10 pounds. If people are happy with their choices why get on them?
Sunday, November 25, 2007, 9:46 AM
me too
I just had weigh in day, and I lost 1/2 pound too! Giving thanks for that!
Sunday, November 25, 2007, 2:26 PM
Overeating one day a year will not make anyone fat. However, statements like "eating is also a social thing and we should not deprive ourselves from having fun with our family and feeling good about something..." sounds like a problem. Eating is a means of fueling your body. Socializing, talking, laughing, spending time together, etc., are social things. How can you imply that you cannot have fun with your family w/o stuffing your face? That is the kind of mentality that causes people to gain 5-10lbs over the course of the holiday season - every time you get together with family, you must eat a ton, because that is how you have fun.
Hopefully, for the sake of that poster, s/he just didn't really type her thoughts very clearly. If that is actually what she meant though, I hope she seeks some help, sounds like she has dependency issues and/or addictions to food.
Monday, November 26, 2007, 3:03 PM
I think what she meant is that food is one of the great pleasures of life and often times it is the most fun to enjoy with friends and family. Plus, well for me at least, I tend to less when I'm around ppl.
Monday, November 26, 2007, 3:14 PM
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