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too much cardio?

so, i've lost 15 lbs so far and am about 10 from my goal :] I've lost all that weight by basically subtracting about 500-750 from "maintenance" caloric intake and making sure that my "net" calories stayed there. It's about 1500-1250 calories, so if I eat 1700, I burn 200-400. If I eat 2000, I burn 500-750, etc etc.

Only issue is, I've been losing a lot of my chest area :\ and was clicking around when I read something about "too much" cardio and how it's burns a lot of fat [duh] and that fat might end up being taken from the breasts area.

My daily work out is "hike" walking (uphill and quickly) for about an hour and a half. Burns about 600 calories, since I usually do 5-7 miles. Would it be better to run for 30 minutes instead [I am capable of running..just lazy]? Mix things up by stregnth training a few times a week? Should I eat the "loss" about of calories and stregthn train?

Help! lol

Thu. Nov 22, 1:25pm

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I can't answer many of your questions, but I do know that it is good to mix things up, workout wise. Your muscles easily adapt to the same routine. By doing different types of workouts, you tax different muscles. And personally, I can't say enough about weight training. While the actual calories burned during the workout are not great, the increase in muscle burns more calories all day long.

Thursday, November 22, 2007, 3:57 PM

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Definitely start weight training, it will build your lean tissue which is more metabolicly active, so you will burn more calories even at rest.

The body will lose fat from wherever it is most available, I have also heard that your body will lose weight from the last place you put it on. If you are conscious of losing from this area try and build up muscle in your upper body so that you balance out your figure.

Thursday, November 22, 2007, 5:06 PM

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bump. i'm starting at a gym this tuesday...i'll be going on tuesdays, wednesdays, saturdays, and possibly fridays.

on the other day's i'll continue running, and maybe sunday will be my day off..although i've never really wanted one.

what should i work on? which machines should i cycle? i heard somewhere that doing arms/legs/butt one day and abs/back the other was a good cycling? help! lol

Sunday, November 25, 2007, 12:59 PM

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You're routines can vary, you just want to give whatever muscle groups you target a day or rest. If I work out on consecutive days then I do upper body one day and lower body the next. If I'm taking a day of rest in between or doing something else then I'll do a full body workout with weights. I just try and figure out when I can workout and make sure I don't hit the same muscle group two days in a row. HTH!

Sunday, November 25, 2007, 1:38 PM

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