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New Love!!!

So I have fallen in love. With Peapod. It's a grocery delivery service from Gaint/Stop n Shop stores. This service is not only convenient but such a diet helper!!

I love cooking and every trip to the store resulted in 9 million impulse buys (becuase wouldn't it be fun to make cupcakes! Oh, and a baked brie! and maybe some crab dip.....etc...) so peapod has saved my butt! You can shop for the same things in the store (house brands included) and use your bonus card and coupons and everything, but you don't aimlessly roam the aisles and put stuff from the pretty displays in the cart.

PLUS, the website will organize selections by per unit price as well as total price. No more being tricked by buying the expensive one thinking you are saving based on the tricky measurements and weights for prices. And you can click on any items picture and see the nutritional information.

The only bad thing is you do pay for the delivery service (5-8 bucks, depending on how much you spend) but it is so worth it not coming home with 3 (!!!) different flavors of ice cream.

Horray for peapod not allowing me to impulse shop my way to a bigger butt!! I love you :)

Tue. Nov 20, 8:30am

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Plus you dont have to weather the weather. they dont have the stores down south where I moved :(

Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 1:00 PM

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I like your take on things, OP! I never looked at the Peapod service that way - a strategy to avoid impulse buys!! That would certainly help with my continual purchasing of the 2 for $6 Ben and Jerry's!! That's worth the cost of delivery. And, really, we probably spend a lot more on those impulse buys anyway. I never thought of using it, but now maybe I will!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 10:51 PM

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