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Can Weight Watchers work for me?

I'm 170 pounds and I've heard that ww is good for people like me but I've never counted "points" before. Is it easier than calories? I still want to be able to eat whatever is around, I can't do any of those delivery diets because I take my children to different houses and friends on the weekends and I end up eating what's there, obviously too much right now! I'd like to know if weight watchers can work for me. Any experience with it?

Mon. Nov 19, 10:23am

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Whether it's counting points or calories -that approach works well for someone who isn't looking to eliminate food groups or ingredients. One upside to counting calories or points is that is does motivate you to eat better so you tend to naturally avoid food that 'cost' a lot.

Any plan out there will work for you if you stick to it. That's often the hardest part. Whatever you choose, I suggest reading the Beck Diet Solution - it helps you deal with sticking to whatever plan you ultimately choose.

Monday, November 19, 2007, 11:32 AM

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Yes, WW can work. It is really just a simple way of counting calories. It's too hard for me to remember the calories of all the foods I eat. But, I can remember points. Plus, the other thing that helps a lot, is logging. But, that is not exclusive of WW either. I had no idea the calories or quanitites of what I was eating. Once you do WW for awhile you will be able to learn the proper quantities and foods you should eat.

Monday, November 19, 2007, 3:03 PM

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I think 3:03 nailed it. It doesn't take long and you can memorize the point values of most foods. Less math too. My only warning would be to cut out sugar as part of your WW plan. I had great success the first time around, when I cut out sugar, and no success the second time around, when I decided treats were ok as long as I counted them in my points. Sweets just didn't keep me full.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 12:35 AM

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