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Feed or cold or starve a fever? Or is it the other way around?
I need help. I have been doing so well. Eating right, working out. But now I am feeling a cold come on and I feel like s***. Should I eat more or is there a way to get through this without gaining 10 pounds?
Fri. Jan 13, 4:18pm
Old saying is feed a cold, starve a fever...I say go with how you feel. Eat healthy if you have the apetite, take vitamins, drink OJ, rest...just get through it and feel better!
Friday, January 13, 2006, 4:21 PM
Old saying is feed a cold, starve a fever...I say go with how you feel. Eat healthy if you have the apetite, take vitamins, drink OJ, rest...just get through it and feel better!
Friday, January 13, 2006, 4:21 PM
Old saying is feed a cold, starve a fever...I say go with how you feel. Eat healthy if you have the apetite, take vitamins, drink OJ, rest...just get through it and feel better!
Friday, January 13, 2006, 4:21 PM
Get lots of fluids when you're sick. When I'm sick is the only time that I drink juice. And continue to eat healthy, lots of fruits and veggies, meat, etc., so your body isn't deprived of anything that it needs to heal.
Friday, January 13, 2006, 4:23 PM
Get lots of fluids when you're sick. When I'm sick is the only time that I drink juice. And continue to eat healthy, lots of fruits and veggies, meat, etc., so your body isn't deprived of anything that it needs to heal.
Friday, January 13, 2006, 4:23 PM
Get lots of fluids when you're sick. When I'm sick is the only time that I drink juice. And continue to eat healthy, lots of fruits and veggies, meat, etc., so your body isn't deprived of anything that it needs to heal.
Friday, January 13, 2006, 4:23 PM
Chicken soup really DOES seem to help. I make a big pot of chicken veggie soup (almost like a stew) and then when I'm feeling really crappy, tired and sorry for myself and have a entire box of used kleenex's by my bed - I can go heat up a bowl of homemade goodness with minimal effort and it's easy on the stomach and helps the head feel less 'oversized'. Homemade soup is pretty easy and when I'm feeling better I add a sandwhich to it.
I actually have a hard time eating when I have a cold because my sense of taste pretty much disappears along with my sense of smell. OJ's out cause it gives me canker sores, but I can eat strawberries (vit C) or put brussel sprouts (also vit C) in the soup.
Friday, January 13, 2006, 7:35 PM
Chicken soup really DOES seem to help. I make a big pot of chicken veggie soup (almost like a stew) and then when I'm feeling really crappy, tired and sorry for myself and have a entire box of used kleenex's by my bed - I can go heat up a bowl of homemade goodness with minimal effort and it's easy on the stomach and helps the head feel less 'oversized'. Homemade soup is pretty easy and when I'm feeling better I add a sandwhich to it.
I actually have a hard time eating when I have a cold because my sense of taste pretty much disappears along with my sense of smell. OJ's out cause it gives me canker sores, but I can eat strawberries (vit C) or put brussel sprouts (also vit C) in the soup.
Friday, January 13, 2006, 7:35 PM
Chicken soup really DOES seem to help. I make a big pot of chicken veggie soup (almost like a stew) and then when I'm feeling really crappy, tired and sorry for myself and have a entire box of used kleenex's by my bed - I can go heat up a bowl of homemade goodness with minimal effort and it's easy on the stomach and helps the head feel less 'oversized'. Homemade soup is pretty easy and when I'm feeling better I add a sandwhich to it.
I actually have a hard time eating when I have a cold because my sense of taste pretty much disappears along with my sense of smell. OJ's out cause it gives me canker sores, but I can eat strawberries (vit C) or put brussel sprouts (also vit C) in the soup.
Friday, January 13, 2006, 7:35 PM
Lots of people love juice when they are sick but when your immune system is down you need to consume less sugar. Orange juice in particular is loaded with sugar. I think people believe they are getting lots of vitamin C from juice and they are getting some but not that much. Some juice is OK, but warm chicken soup or vegetable soup or broth is much better for you. Whether it's fructose, lactose, sucrose, glucose or dextrose it's a sugar to your body, even if it's a natural sugar. This is why when diabetics get low blood sugar, orange juice is one of the fastest ways to get their blood sugar up.
I don't really feel like eating much whether I have a cold or fever.
I've had great success with Cold-ease or Zicam - I think it's zinc gluconnate. These are over the counter at any drugstore and I've had these stop colds practically in their tracks on several occasions, they can also shorten the length of a cold. By the next morning on two occasions I was almost symptom free! This is not an ad, I just am very enthused about these products because they've been so effective. Good luck!
Friday, January 13, 2006, 7:46 PM
Lots of people love juice when they are sick but when your immune system is down you need to consume less sugar. Orange juice in particular is loaded with sugar. I think people believe they are getting lots of vitamin C from juice and they are getting some but not that much. Some juice is OK, but warm chicken soup or vegetable soup or broth is much better for you. Whether it's fructose, lactose, sucrose, glucose or dextrose it's a sugar to your body, even if it's a natural sugar. This is why when diabetics get low blood sugar, orange juice is one of the fastest ways to get their blood sugar up.
I don't really feel like eating much whether I have a cold or fever.
I've had great success with Cold-ease or Zicam - I think it's zinc gluconnate. These are over the counter at any drugstore and I've had these stop colds practically in their tracks on several occasions, they can also shorten the length of a cold. By the next morning on two occasions I was almost symptom free! This is not an ad, I just am very enthused about these products because they've been so effective. Good luck!
Friday, January 13, 2006, 7:46 PM
Lots of people love juice when they are sick but when your immune system is down you need to consume less sugar. Orange juice in particular is loaded with sugar. I think people believe they are getting lots of vitamin C from juice and they are getting some but not that much. Some juice is OK, but warm chicken soup or vegetable soup or broth is much better for you. Whether it's fructose, lactose, sucrose, glucose or dextrose it's a sugar to your body, even if it's a natural sugar. This is why when diabetics get low blood sugar, orange juice is one of the fastest ways to get their blood sugar up.
I don't really feel like eating much whether I have a cold or fever.
I've had great success with Cold-ease or Zicam - I think it's zinc gluconnate. These are over the counter at any drugstore and I've had these stop colds practically in their tracks on several occasions, they can also shorten the length of a cold. By the next morning on two occasions I was almost symptom free! This is not an ad, I just am very enthused about these products because they've been so effective. Good luck!
Friday, January 13, 2006, 7:46 PM
Neti Pot
I had a cold recently. I was happy in a way because I had no appetite so I found it easy to stick to my diet. Gave myself time off from exercise. It seemed to hang on and on at the end. I read about a neti pot and went out and got me one. You fill it up with warm saline and clean out your nostrils with it. I know it sounds gross, but you tilt your head forward into a sink, stick the spout in the upside nostril and let the saline drain around your nasal septum and out the other side. You have to be very careful not to fill up the eustacion tubes or the other parts of your sinuses, but it dissolves all the mucous and I got instant relief -- my head feels so clear now! But you can only use it if you can breathe through both nostrils. I have chronic allergies, and use this system every day. My allergy doc told me that a lot of his patients get relief with it. I don't have to sleep with my mouth open any more. Here's a link to see what it is:
Friday, January 13, 2006, 11:17 PM
Neti Pot
I had a cold recently. I was happy in a way because I had no appetite so I found it easy to stick to my diet. Gave myself time off from exercise. It seemed to hang on and on at the end. I read about a neti pot and went out and got me one. You fill it up with warm saline and clean out your nostrils with it. I know it sounds gross, but you tilt your head forward into a sink, stick the spout in the upside nostril and let the saline drain around your nasal septum and out the other side. You have to be very careful not to fill up the eustacion tubes or the other parts of your sinuses, but it dissolves all the mucous and I got instant relief -- my head feels so clear now! But you can only use it if you can breathe through both nostrils. I have chronic allergies, and use this system every day. My allergy doc told me that a lot of his patients get relief with it. I don't have to sleep with my mouth open any more. Here's a link to see what it is:
Friday, January 13, 2006, 11:17 PM
Neti Pot
I had a cold recently. I was happy in a way because I had no appetite so I found it easy to stick to my diet. Gave myself time off from exercise. It seemed to hang on and on at the end. I read about a neti pot and went out and got me one. You fill it up with warm saline and clean out your nostrils with it. I know it sounds gross, but you tilt your head forward into a sink, stick the spout in the upside nostril and let the saline drain around your nasal septum and out the other side. You have to be very careful not to fill up the eustacion tubes or the other parts of your sinuses, but it dissolves all the mucous and I got instant relief -- my head feels so clear now! But you can only use it if you can breathe through both nostrils. I have chronic allergies, and use this system every day. My allergy doc told me that a lot of his patients get relief with it. I don't have to sleep with my mouth open any more. Here's a link to see what it is:
Friday, January 13, 2006, 11:17 PM
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