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I need motivation

my ex fiance of 3yrs left hurts I'm putting the pain I feel to working out...I'm starting back up from the bottom...and my mile time sucks..I think I'm ok as long as I don't give up.....I don't know what 2 eat...its like I'm already just eating one time a day..I don't have any apeptite...but I feel it in my body I have no energy even after or during a work out..I'm in a slump please help..what do u guys eat to lose weight?

Thu. Nov 15, 9:01am

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I am really sorry to hear about your situation, a break-up can be very painful. You musn't beat yourself up over your diet and exercise regime at the moment. When you break-up with someone it can sometimes feel almost like a bereavement, because you have lost a person that was once really close to you, and that can be extremely stressful.

Already you are not eating properly, which is only to be expected when you are down, but that is also the reason that you do not have any energy. If you can only manage to eat one meal a day then make it one which contains slow release carbohydrates, such as porridge or pasta (put "slow-release carbohydrates" into a search engine), and don't push yourself to hard with the exercise.

Give yourself the chance to grieve over what has happened, it is all part of the healing process. When "your head is in a better place" then you can go all out on the diet and exercise. In the meantime, feel free to let your emotions out, especially with friends who will give you comfort. Sometimes you'll be up, sometimes down, sometimes angry, all different emotions.

The best advice of all that I can give you is to look after yourself, it's easy to say I know, but time is great healer. That, and the company of good friends, will get you through your pain. I wish you all the best.

Thursday, November 15, 2007, 11:29 AM

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I am really sorry to hear about your situation, a break-up can be very painful. You musn't beat yourself up over your diet and exercise regime at the moment. When you break-up with someone it can sometimes feel almost like a bereavement, because you have lost a person that was once really close to you, and that can be extremely stressful.

Already you are not eating properly, which is only to be expected when you are down, but that is also the reason that you do not have any energy. If you can only manage to eat one meal a day then make it one which contains slow release carbohydrates, such as porridge or pasta (put "slow-release carbohydrates" into a search engine), and don't push yourself to hard with the exercise.

Give yourself the chance to grieve over what has happened, it is all part of the healing process. When "your head is in a better place" then you can go all out on the diet and exercise. In the meantime, feel free to let your emotions out, especially with friends who will give you comfort. Sometimes you'll be up, sometimes down, sometimes angry, all different emotions.

The best advice of all that I can give you is to look after yourself, it's easy to say I know, but time is great healer. That, and the company of good friends, will get you through your pain. I wish you all the best.

Thursday, November 15, 2007, 11:29 AM

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I am really sorry to hear about your situation, a break-up can be very painful. You musn't beat yourself up over your diet and exercise regime at the moment. When you break-up with someone it can sometimes feel almost like a bereavement, because you have lost a person that was once really close to you, and that can be extremely stressful.

Already you are not eating properly, which is only to be expected when you are down, but that is also the reason that you do not have any energy. If you can only manage to eat one meal a day then make it one which contains slow release carbohydrates, such as porridge or pasta (put "slow-release carbohydrates" into a search engine), and don't push yourself to hard with the exercise.

Give yourself the chance to grieve over what has happened, it is all part of the healing process. When "your head is in a better place" then you can go all out on the diet and exercise. In the meantime, feel free to let your emotions out, especially with friends who will give you comfort. Sometimes you'll be up, sometimes down, sometimes angry, all different emotions.

The best advice of all that I can give you is to look after yourself, it's easy to say I know, but time is great healer. That, and the company of good friends, will get you through your pain. I wish you all the best.

Thursday, November 15, 2007, 11:29 AM

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