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Do you get scared driving on the highway with all of those huge trucks?
I read about accident after accident involving the drivers of tractor trailers and trucks, demolishing cars. I didn't really think about this kind of thing before kids but now, every time we get on an interstate and I pass a truck, I can feel myself sucking in my breath.
Wed. Nov 14, 12:53pm
I read a story yesterday about a couple who lost 3 kids in a highway accident earlier this year. A truck driver plowed into the back of their minivan on a highway in California. Miraculously, the wife is pregnant again- with triplets.
In the article on that accident, they mentioned that Europe monitors truckers speed and time on the road via GPS- something our very powerful trucking lobby has been able to prevent being passed through the US congress.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 1:20 PM
I can't believe it. I can believe it but I can't.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 2:41 PM
Call YRC Corporation
If you are concerned. They own many of the trucking companies. these are the key executives. You can easily get to their admins, and I'm sure they will have a canned answer designed to get you off their back. The pressure has to come from somewhere. Calling your local representative can help as well, but you usually have to give them money before they pay attention to you. Start with Bill Zollars.
Mr. William D. Zollars , 59
Chairman, Chief Exec. Officer and Pres $ 1.49M $ 858.00K
Mr. Jim Staley , 56
Chief Exec. Officer of YRC Regional Transportation $ 704.00K $ 0
Mr. Michael J. Smid , 51
Chief Exec. Officer of YRC National Transportation, Pres of North American Transportation and Pres of YRC National Transportation $ 514.00K $ 0
Mr. Stephen L. Bruffett , 43
Chief Financial Officer and Exec. VP N/A N/A
Mr. T. J. O'Connor ,
Chief Exec. Officer of USF Bestway and Pres of USF Bestway
Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 2:42 PM
Scary as hell. and how about when they honk t you and CB their buddies further on the highway. I was driving by myself one night. I was terrified!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 6:52 PM
Big rigs make me nervous too. Last year in Nov. I drove from MI. to KY during the early morning hrs. nothing but trucks!!! it rained the entire time. Talking about a white knucle drive!!! I prayed the whole time.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 10:21 PM
Most of the time I feel like the truckers I see are pretty safe drivers (at least compared to a lot of others on the road!!). I have to drive on some pretty scary mountain roads to get to work and the truckers I pass always seem to pull over to let you pass safely.
But when I was younger, and a newer driver, I was scared to death passing trucks on the highway . . either they've gotten better in my area or i just feel more comfortable!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 10:31 PM
I do get really nervous. Last year we had one blow a tire in front of us. Thankfully it was just far enough away that we could react accordingly and we were ok. But what if?
My brother used to be a long haul truck driver and he said the worst thing was people who change lanes right in front of you and don't give you enough space. They are hauling so much weight and can't stop fast and if you are in the way......there's nothing that can be done.
Personally I just do my best to stay as far away from them as possible.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 11:11 PM
Most of the truckers I've known are terrific drivers and good people (I spent a very nomadic childhood on the road and in a lot of truck stops). However of course there are some who are going to mess it up. You should treat trucks with caution - I always keep a good distance and watch in my rear view mirror when one is coming to a stop behind me - it takes some strong brakes to stop a load of that size. What get me though is that many cars whiz around trucks and cut them off like they have the stopping and turning distance of a car - I swear they are asking to get hit. Honestly, cars drivers are far worse but the consequences are greater when the accident involves a truck.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 11:28 PM
Yes. I've always held my breath while passing trucks.
Thursday, November 15, 2007, 7:03 AM
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