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Fat in Nuts
is this something I should be worried about, or does the benefit outweigh the risk?
Wed. Nov 14, 12:50pm
I think it's the 'good' fats, you just have to be careful with quantity since all the fat make it a calorie dense food. Eat them in small amounts and enjoy!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 1:10 PM
Yeah nuts have the good fats and when you eat like 20 nuts and drink water, it makes you feel fool! But you should eat raw nuts...Dr. Oz says that because when nuts are roasted, their oils are hydrogenized...something like that..and turn into bad fats.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 1:43 PM
The fat is the good kind, but like the poster above said, a serving is 15-20 nuts, and will have close to 200 calories. That's just a handful or two out of the jar. So, enjoy a serving of nuts, but don't eat them straight out of the jar, thinking they're a healthy snack. They are only healthy in small portions. In large portions, they are a lot of calories!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 2:29 PM
That would be a good question for a Urologist.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 4:04 PM
Boiled Peanuts
Boiled Peanuts Whip Other Peanuts
Study: Boiled Peanuts Are Richer in Antioxidants Than Raw or Roasted Peanuts
By Miranda Hitti
WebMD Medical News Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
Oct. 26, 2007 -- Boiled peanuts may be the cream of the crop, besting raw peanuts or roasted peanuts in terms of nutrition.
That news comes from food scientists in Alabama, who ought to know about boiled peanuts, which are a Southern snack.
The researchers -- who included graduate student Yvonne Chukwumah and Lloyd Walker, PhD, of Alabama A&M University -- bought peanuts at a grocery store.
Their shopping list included raw Virginia peanuts in the shell, raw peanut kernels, and commercially boiled peanuts.
The scientists boiled the raw peanuts for four hours while the peanuts were still in their shell. They also dry-roasted raw peanut kernels and roasted other raw peanut kernels in oil.
Next, the scientists made an extract from each batch of peanuts.
Lab tests on the peanut extracts show that boiled peanuts had higher levels of antioxidants than the raw and roasted peanuts.
Antioxidants, which come in many forms and are found in plants, may help prevent cancer, heart disease, and other chronic conditions, note the researchers.
The commercially boiled peanuts were a bit higher in a certain antioxidant than the boiled peanuts brewed by the scientists.
When peanuts are boiled in their shell, the peanut kernel absorbs antioxidants that are in the peanut shells and skins. That can't happen with shelled, skinned peanut kernels, the researchers note.
Their findings appear in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 6:14 PM
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