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Ideas for really simple, portable lunch for a whole family

My husband and I are helping my parents move this weekend (driving about an hour and a half from where we live, so we can't just run back to our house.) My mom is trying to lose weight, but gives up very easily and with one bad meal, declares she's "ruined the day," and goes on to eat horribly. My dad loves to eat, the greasier and larger the portions, the better. He is starting to look like a heart attack waiting to happen.

Anyway, while we're moving, people will get hungry. What are some portable and easy-to-eat foods that are pretty healthy that I can bring with us, that don't sound/look like diet foods?

Can't do sandwiches b/c my mom will decide that the bread is too unhealthy to eat (even if it's low cal/low carb), so she'll go out and order a burger but pick off half the bun, when the half bun is bigger than the 2 slices of bread and the burger is covered in cheese/bacon.....

Just looking for some ideas! Preferably ideas that don't end up with garbage (i.e. apples - what to do with the pit).


Wed. Nov 14, 10:06am

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I go hiking a lot so I have to haul easy, healthy food in and out of the mountains. Dunno if that qualifies, but I have no refridgeration, it needs to be uncrushable in my pack (sandwiches smash pretty easy) and generate little trash (I have to pack out what I pack in, trash and all).

I love wraps! I use low-carb, high fiber wraps from la tortilla factory (85 cal, 10 g of fiber - these things will fill you up!) and spread them with 1 trangle lite laughing cow cheese and then a variety of fillings like: turkey or chicken, spinach, chopped zuchinni, carrot, tomatoe, red pepper, strawberries, pineapple, dried cranberries, apple and then maybe a bit of red pepper paste, SF cranberry sauce or light dressing if needed (usually I go with dressing if it's veggie-only, but not if I include fruit).

I chop up all the ingredients, have them in bowls and I can make a bunch of wraps just as fast as sandwiches. I wrap them burrito-style in tinfoil lined with a paper towl (in case the dressing or any liquid leaks out) and they are yummy and nearly indestructable in a bag. I pack grapes, apples or dried fruit with them. I also like trail mix but you have to watch it because the calories in trail mix add up fast!

Looking forward to seeing other's solutions!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 2:11 PM

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Wraps are a great idea! Thanks!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 2:30 PM

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Not the OP but those wraps sound delicious!! I think I might try that for work lunches.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 3:55 PM

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I know tha tI will get a ton of slck about not being fro the earth and all, and I agree but when I no other options I keep a south beach or kashi bar in my travel bag

Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 3:58 PM

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stuffed pitas also work well instead of wraps. You can also do lots of veggies with dip, or a chicken pate dip with rye crackers. (Pate: put a chicken breast through the processor, mix 1/2 cup each low/no fat sour cream, cream cheese, and mayo, with your fave dip mix (I vote roasted red pepper dip from Victorian Epicure) and some parmesan, and blend all together)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 4:04 PM

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you could do cottage cheese, with only 90 calories in half a cup and 16 grams of protein.

Monday, November 19, 2007, 10:34 PM

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