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Ugg... anyone know how to "grow" personal accountability?

I am just at the point where I would be AMAZING at this dieting game IF I could keep myself accountable. No one around me is on a diet and when the stress comes or the weekend, I am eating everything in sight and no one says any wiser. I just need to grow up! I am sick of being fat (I know the famous words of every chubby lady in the world) and I am knowledgeable enough to know what I am doing is wrong and bad for my health. Some day my will and my want will parallel each other.

Tue. Nov 13, 10:49am

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Please stop being so hard on yourself. That's the first step. Accepting your faults and the great things about you. Try the book Beck's Diet Solution. it's not a diet, it's a mind set and how not to eat out of emotions and controlling the binges when they happen. Take a deep breath and remember you can do this. Good luck to you.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007, 11:07 AM

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Deal with the reasons WHY you overeat. Otherwise you'll keep doing it.
And "I just love food" is never the real reason.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007, 12:20 PM

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My husband and I had a fight yesterday and I ate ALL the chocolate in the house. Even the 2g. bar I bought by 4 year old cousin. But that was also all I ate yesteday. 3 candy bars. Maybe a glass of tea. A part of being accountable is admiting to peers you slipped. We all do it whether we say so or not. I would get all the junk out of the house as a safety measure. If you do slip again, it won't be on hotdags and oreos. You can't "grow" acountable overnight. Hang in there sweety. You can do it!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007, 4:07 AM

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