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Vegetarian Fat Smash?

I don't know much about the Fat Smash Diet, does anyone know if there are vegan/vegetarian options while following the diet? I'm really not much of a "diet" kind of gal, but I kind of want to lose a bit of weight (maybe five pounds) before the holidays to help keep my motivation during family parties and whathaveyou. I've heard that Extreme Fat Smash is fast and effective. I'm non-lacto-ovo (which means I don't drink cow's milk, I don't eat cow's cheese, I don't eat whey, and I don't eat eggs). Any information would be beneficial.

And please no "WHY ARE YOU VEGETARIAN?!" nonsense. No one will change my mind and I don't feel like explaining my ethics to you, so please don't waste your and my time.

Sat. Nov 10, 6:41am

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Hi! Join us in Fat Smashers Unite! Vegetarians will love Fat Smash! Just replace the meats, cheeses, etc with vegetarian options and you'll be fine.

I highly recommend buying the book. It's $13 and an easy read. If you want to replace with completely vegetarian, I'd recommend the Original Fat Smash (White and Blue Book) over the Extreme version. The Extreme will lay out precisely what you should eat on what days. Flip thru them both at the store and decide for yourself though.

Can't say enough good about the plan - it just makes good sense. I couldn't do without meat BUT I've discovered MANY vegetarian items that I love and my family loves them as well. We have seriously cut down on the amount of animal products we consume and it's improved our over all health and well being. KUDOS to you for sticking to your guns :)

Check it out! We've got a great group!

Saturday, November 10, 2007, 10:33 AM

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I second the above poster, fat smashers unite are awesome. you can definately follow the plan with veggie options. I havelearned to like so many veggies and you can have beans , brown rice, tof.. allsortsof things.

look forward to meeting you on our team.

Saturday, November 10, 2007, 2:11 PM

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