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My 2007 Holiday Guidelines

I thought I would share my guidelines to stick to during the holiday season - I'm trying to be realistic .. If I stick to these, I will be happy. Would love to hear how others plan to get through the holidays!

2007 Holiday Guidelines

1. No solitary indulgences – meaning, if I’m going to indulge – it will be part of something social and festive – not solo. This also means, no binges.
2. I’m not going to avoid any parties/events because I’m afraid of how I’ll do – eating wise.
3. If it’s a dinner occasion, I will eat my normal balanced portions – a little extra if it’s something special.
4. If its just a dessert party – I will allow myself 1 portion of it – as my snack – I will be reasonable like perhaps 3 holiday cookies or 1 piece of special pie or cake.
5. I will exercise as normal but give myself slack if it just doesn’t fit in due to social activities for kids, etc. 3-4 x week cardio (incl 1 spin class), 2-3 x week weight training .
6. Thanksgiving – my fav holiday I can eat what I want for dinner! Only 1 piece of pumpkin pie for dessert.
7. Daily PT logging and posting.
8. Drink water as much as I can.
9. If I go overboard, I will be kind to myself and start anew asap. Avoid the “all or nothing” syndrome.
10. I will be happy if I step on the scale on the new year and it reads maximum 165 (i'm now 169 and my goal is 150 - i've lost 46 lbs so far). This to me, is realistic. Then I will work on reaching my goal before my Easter trip home!!!

Wed. Nov 7, 11:04am

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These guidlines sound great! Practical and realistic.

I plan on treating the holidays just like I treat every other day. Each meal is a challenge to make the best possible choices. Never over-eat, but give myslef permission to eat anything I want. Also, I'll try to do something active every day.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007, 11:46 AM

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I think #9 on the OP's list sounds like the most important (I'm sure a lot of PTers submit to 'all or nothing' syndrome on occasion!).

Wednesday, November 7, 2007, 3:03 PM

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Great list. I agree with everything on your list except for the exercise. I'm actually going to try to get extra cardio in there to counteract the extra calories that I'll be eating. Another thing that I might add is to drink hot tea and eat some veggies before going to a party. Also, wearing something tight as a sign for me to not overdo it. lol

Wednesday, November 7, 2007, 3:36 PM

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Not me, I'm breaking out the maternity pants for Christmas dinner lol

Wednesday, November 7, 2007, 5:08 PM

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5:08 - LOL!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007, 5:23 PM

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You know that is true, if you wear tight pants it makes a difference. I noticed this for the first time recently.
Someone on here recently also suggested to eat a small meal before you go to a function so that you don't overeat from hunger.
I plan to do as I am doing now. Give myself one day a month to have what I please. Thanksgiving will be the one for November and maybe for Christmas I will do both Christmas eve and Christmas. However to be fair I don't go to parties so I am not tempted by all that stuff.
I do make goodies for family so that is a challenge. But so far I am in a good place and look forward to doing well.
I like the idea of drinking tea too. Since I can drink it without milk or cream.
Oh I saw this on The biggest loser last week I think it was, while you are cooking chew on gum. That way you have the burst of flavor you are looking for as well as it will be easier to not snack on what you are making since your mouth will be full.
Good luck to you all.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007, 10:14 PM

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what do you do about your alcohol portions?

Thursday, November 8, 2007, 11:31 AM

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