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OK, Ok, OK... I know that pills are just a quick fix, but does anyone else feel like me? If I could just get past this one number, no matter how I do it, then I can do anything. It just feels like I have been doing weight watchers, day after day, month after month, year after year and I am still stuck in the 190's. I know it's a mind game, but I am trying Zylene, I even signed up to sell it... It does curb my appetite. 100% 30 day money back guarantee... I guess I will see next week if it is doing what it says it is doing!! I know, quick fixes never work, but I am not using it as a quick fix, just a pick up to get past a number.


Mon. Nov 5, 9:36pm

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If you need something to curb your appetite, please try something natural like extra fruit, vegetable and/or grain fiber. The more fiber you eat, the less hungry & the less appetite you have. You need whole foods and lots of water (to flush out the toxins and help you burn the fat). Please don't do the pills thing, because that's not a permanent solution AND could have you gaining even more weight after you stop taking them.

Ideas for good whole foods that tame hunger:
long grain brown & wild rice (make it with broth instead of water)
whole wheat pasta
whole grain breads & rolls
oats & oatmeal (not the instant sugary kind)
split peas
chick peas (add them to salads)
dried plums
salads with lots of dark green leafy veggies
a handful of walnuts, pecans or almonds
a whole grain wasa cracker spread with hummus or nut butter

Please try some of these first, and if they don't help, then maybe try some of that psyllium fiber stuff you add to a glass of water before taking any pills.

Monday, November 5, 2007, 10:46 PM

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OP I feel your pain and frustration. Don't give up what ever you do. The pills are a bit drastic but the previous poster covered all that. Before I started PT I was joking about having my teeth wired shut, so I know we sometimes get desperate. So if you MUST, give it a try. Do watch out for rebound weight gain.
A friend had me try oolong tea. It helped me get un-stuck. I just drink a cup of hot tea 3 times a day. I don't know exactly how it works, but I haven't had any unwanted effects from it. I just buy it at the grocery store(Bigilow has one) or at the health food store.
Good luck.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007, 11:21 AM

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