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Thigh size

I've recently come very close to my goal weight and am really enjoying it. However, even with a waist measurement of 27" and hips of 37", my thighs are about 24"!! I'm just wondering what size other people's thighs are....and has anyone ever successfully reduced their saddlebags?

Mon. Nov 5, 4:52pm

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I have similar waist and hip measurement to you but my thighs are 21" around. However, I am not a curvy woman, pretty straight all the way down. I've been told I have "chicken legs" so I wouldn't worry too much about it, sounds like they are pretty proportional. We can't spot reduce unfortunately...

Monday, November 5, 2007, 7:00 PM

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The "old Saddlebag" is one of the hardest places to loose due to it lack of muscle in that area.
When you loose weight you reduce it from all over th body - you can not generally spot reduce areas. But due to the lack of working muscle both men and women have places on the body where the weight is hardest to remove, it is also more obviuos cause other areas on the body loose noticable weight quicker.
Best advice is to keep working at it - it will be removed with continual exercise and time.
Best of luck!!

Monday, November 5, 2007, 7:29 PM

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Same boat, here. My waist is 26", but each thigh is 24" around (hips are 40"). Weight just seems to melt off my top half, so I get super "ribsy" before I lose just a sliver off my bottom half. Argh!

Monday, November 5, 2007, 7:32 PM

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I'm 5'3, 24 waist, 35 hips, and my right thigh is 19 and left thigh is 18.5. They don't look anywhere near as thin as they sound though because they must be the shortest thighs in the world. >.<

Monday, November 5, 2007, 8:09 PM

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I'm in the same boat as you, OP. My measrements are 38-28-38 and, unfortunately, each thigh is 23". We're just built that way. I'm trying to add as much muscle to my body all-around (especially adding muscle to my shoulders, and arms-which seem to be "skinny") to make me look as proportionate as possible.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007, 10:49 AM

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...I have a minor saddle-bag problem as well. They seem to smooth out when I do hip adduction/abduction and squats.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007, 10:51 AM

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Watch your posture. Make sure your knees aren't pronating inwards when you stand. The simple act of rotating your knees outward so that they are in proper alignment generally puts your hips in proper alignment. Once your hips are properly aligned and not pronating, your thigh width will visually appear an inch or two thinner.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007, 8:32 PM

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