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Need a little help :(

I am not sure what the problem is. I've been eating or netting 800-1200 calories a day for 10 days now (except one day when I went out for sushi), and I lost half a pound. I'm getting quite frustrated. I started measuring myself to see if I'm toning up and not losing weight, and I've lost 2.5 inches, but I seem to have plateaued.

Currently I'm 129.5lbs and I'm trying to get down to 125 or 123, which is where I was 8 years ago and I felt much healthier and better about myself. I have been hitting the gym pretty hard about 4 times a week for two months now, so my lack of progress is baffling me.

Any thoughts are appreciated!

Mon. Nov 5, 1:53pm

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Sounds like you are over-training and under-eating. Seriously- you probably don't feel healthier because what you are probably feeling is malnourished.

Try this- try doing lighter workouts for a week or two. Get your calorie intake up to whre it should be normally for a week or two. See if at the end of that time you don't feel a whole lot healtier and more energetic.

If you've got the cash, try talking to a coach,a personal trainer or a dietician to help you figure out what you actually need to be doing to make the progress you desire.

Otherwise, figure you're burnt out- take a break.

Monday, November 5, 2007, 2:03 PM

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The last few pounds is always the hardest. I've found that when you're within 10lbs of your goal, there is no way to really lose that 1-2lbs per week that you can when you have more to lose. half a pound down in 10 days is pretty much right on track. Sorry!!!

At such a rate, in a few months, you'll be closer to your goal. But, don't eat as low as 800 cals a day and work out at the same time. You are hurting your body and your metabolism that way. 1200 cals/day is probably fine for someome your size/weight.

Monday, November 5, 2007, 2:52 PM

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Eat more for at least a day and then go back to your low cal diet. It works every time for me.

Monday, November 5, 2007, 11:53 PM

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1) Your calorie intake is too low.
2) It's only been 10 days. Give it a few weeks. Weigh yourself in a month to see if you've made significant progress. You may have lost more, but often times weight fluctuates for so many reasons.
3) Make this a lifestyle change...not a quickie weight loss plan.
Good luck.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007, 2:19 AM

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OP here. Thanks for the feedback and encouragement, everyone! I am feeling a bit better now about my progress.

And yes, this is definitely a lifestyle change, not a quick fix. I want to maintain the new me! :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007, 11:42 AM

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I think half a pound in a week or 10 days is perfectly normal. At least it is for me, and I lost 30 pounds that way. No reason to freak out!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007, 11:45 AM

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