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My problem is not that I don't know how to eat well...

My problem is that I eat well all day (or don't eat at all, thanks to work), and then the sun goes down, and I turn into a fatty food loving vampire. Generally, when my husband gets out of work, I assume it's eating frenzy time. Last night, I feasted on Taco Bell and Halloween candy.

I've figured out it's because I go to work for 7, 8, or 9 hours and don't eat anything because I don't have time for a break. So when I get home, I'm completely starving and will eat anything and everything in sight. And with the husband around, he'll join me, and then I don't feel as guilty. It's completely ridiculous!

A lot of people need to follow diets and personal trainers and other things like that. And though there's nothing wrong with that, I've always been able to handle myself in the nutrition and fitness department (I was at my goal, UNDER my goal in fact, in May!). But the weight has been creeping back on all summer and now into the fall and I really need some self-control.

I guess I just needed to vent. Rant over.

Thu. Nov 1, 9:55am

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You'd be better off if you could make some time in your workday to eat, even a small snack that you pack and bring. Then you wouldn't be so ravenous when you got home, and you'd be better prepared to make better choices.

Assuming this isn't possible, or you'd already be doing it, pack a small snack in your bag or car to eat as soon as the workday is over, on your way home. It could be a powerbar or granola bar, Slimfast shake, etc., or an apple or a couple pieces of string cheese. Just get some healthy, protein- or fiber-filled food in your stomach as you leave work, so you digest it by the time you get home and it makes you less hungry.

Good luck!

Thursday, November 1, 2007, 11:48 AM

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Try to eat a huge meal before you go to work, then a snack on your way home, and have dinner ready when you get home. A crock-pot is your friend. Look up many healthy and yummy meals on line, and make them, you would only have to make 3 meals a week, you could live on the leftovers the rest of the time. Things like Salsa Chicken- A whole chicken ploped into the bottom of the crock-pot and a jar of Salsa poured on top. Turn onto low and you could have that for dinner for 2 nights, eat with corn tortlias and a salad. You could have that done in less than 5 minutes in the morning.

Being prepared is going to help you
have a good day

Thursday, November 1, 2007, 12:23 PM

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I know this - I can't stick to my 'plan' if I don't actually have one. Not only do I write down what I ate, but each week I write down what I'm going to eat. Yeah, they don't always match, but it gives me more of a direction and I am far more likely to eat well if I have a specific plan for what I'm going to eat and not just 'I should be good'. My husband is incredible about helping me with my goals. He'll eat my healthy dinner, and if he wants junk (he's skinny), he'll dish up a serving, not offer me any, put the container away and go eat it. That was all at my request BTW - he didn't realize he was sabotaging me, but he kinda was. I'm much more even with my eating now because I plan all my meals and I spread out my calories better when I do.

Thursday, November 1, 2007, 12:35 PM

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I agree with the last poster, you need a plan.
And the other suggestions are right on as well. If you don't have time to break for lunch during the day keep healthy snacks in your desk to eat throughout the day: almonds, kashi or luna bars, carrots, apple w/ peanut butter, etc. All these things will help keep you full all day so you don't overeat at dinner time. I eat small things all day long and have been pretty successful that way. Good luck!

Thursday, November 1, 2007, 12:56 PM

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I have found that something high in fiber keeps me going for a long time. A good 6 hours. I especially like the wasa bread with fat free cream cheese and a bit of turkey on it. I have one of those in the morning for breakfast and I am good until dinner time.
Also like the others said there is slim fast bars or meal replacement bars and most of them are small enough you could eat in two bites and be right back to work.
I loved the idea of packing something for the trip home. I can see where that could really help since you have time to digest and not be so ravenously hungry when you get home. Too easy then to make poor decisions.
The key is do something now before you are so far that you are too discouraged to start.
You know it is worth it, you are worth it.

Thursday, November 1, 2007, 4:30 PM

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