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Excess Skin Prevention

I am 60 lbs away from being healthy and 80 lbs away from my ideal weight. I've heard about people who lost a lot of weight having a lot of extra skin left. Does anyone have a sense of if excess skin will be a problem for me? Also, does anyone know if there is a way I can prevent extra skin from becoming a problem? Thank you very much for your help, and good luck everyone!

Tue. Jan 10, 7:25pm

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From what I've heard:

1. Brush your body everyday before you shower with a short bristled brush (towards your heart).
2. Moisturize.
3. Lose weight slowly (your skin will have time to adjust).
4. Do some kind of resistance training.

That said, I've lost about 40 lbs so far (I'm 5'4) and don't have any problems with excess skin yet. I have about 30 more to go until my goal weight. I hope to make it to my goal weight by June (a year total). Those who have the largest problems are those who get gastric bypass, etc. Kate would probably know a lot about the subject because she's lost a lot of weight so far. Hopefully she will comment.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 7:44 PM

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From what I've heard:

1. Brush your body everyday before you shower with a short bristled brush (towards your heart).
2. Moisturize.
3. Lose weight slowly (your skin will have time to adjust).
4. Do some kind of resistance training.

That said, I've lost about 40 lbs so far (I'm 5'4) and don't have any problems with excess skin yet. I have about 30 more to go until my goal weight. I hope to make it to my goal weight by June (a year total). Those who have the largest problems are those who get gastric bypass, etc. Kate would probably know a lot about the subject because she's lost a lot of weight so far. Hopefully she will comment.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 7:44 PM

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From what I've heard:

1. Brush your body everyday before you shower with a short bristled brush (towards your heart).
2. Moisturize.
3. Lose weight slowly (your skin will have time to adjust).
4. Do some kind of resistance training.

That said, I've lost about 40 lbs so far (I'm 5'4) and don't have any problems with excess skin yet. I have about 30 more to go until my goal weight. I hope to make it to my goal weight by June (a year total). Those who have the largest problems are those who get gastric bypass, etc. Kate would probably know a lot about the subject because she's lost a lot of weight so far. Hopefully she will comment.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 7:44 PM

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I searched this topic recently because I'm worried about having excess skin, too. I maxed out at 230 a few years back, which means overall I've been 100 lbs overweight -- which is apparently the 'borderline' of where you're likely to have excess skin problems. Everything I read said that there are 3 factors that determine if you'll need it tucked up surgically -- age, speed of loss, and whether you exercise. Since I lost my father to a stroke brought on my minor surgery, I am loathe to go under general anaesthesia for something cosmetic, so I've got my fingers crossed. I'll also be watching this thread to see if there's more to be learned on the subject!

Spotlight Rome

Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 8:28 PM

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I searched this topic recently because I'm worried about having excess skin, too. I maxed out at 230 a few years back, which means overall I've been 100 lbs overweight -- which is apparently the 'borderline' of where you're likely to have excess skin problems. Everything I read said that there are 3 factors that determine if you'll need it tucked up surgically -- age, speed of loss, and whether you exercise. Since I lost my father to a stroke brought on my minor surgery, I am loathe to go under general anaesthesia for something cosmetic, so I've got my fingers crossed. I'll also be watching this thread to see if there's more to be learned on the subject!

Spotlight Rome

Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 8:28 PM

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I searched this topic recently because I'm worried about having excess skin, too. I maxed out at 230 a few years back, which means overall I've been 100 lbs overweight -- which is apparently the 'borderline' of where you're likely to have excess skin problems. Everything I read said that there are 3 factors that determine if you'll need it tucked up surgically -- age, speed of loss, and whether you exercise. Since I lost my father to a stroke brought on my minor surgery, I am loathe to go under general anaesthesia for something cosmetic, so I've got my fingers crossed. I'll also be watching this thread to see if there's more to be learned on the subject!

Spotlight Rome

Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 8:28 PM

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I've lost 120 lbs and don't have loose skin. I did cardio and strength training right from the beginning and lost it graduall. Between that, proper nutrition, vitamins and Dove's skin firming lotion I have been fine! Good luck! :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 8:58 PM

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I've lost 120 lbs and don't have loose skin. I did cardio and strength training right from the beginning and lost it graduall. Between that, proper nutrition, vitamins and Dove's skin firming lotion I have been fine! Good luck! :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 8:58 PM

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I've lost 120 lbs and don't have loose skin. I did cardio and strength training right from the beginning and lost it graduall. Between that, proper nutrition, vitamins and Dove's skin firming lotion I have been fine! Good luck! :)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 8:58 PM

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120 lb loser....

What is your age, please?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 10:44 PM

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120 lb loser....

What is your age, please?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 10:44 PM

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120 lb loser....

What is your age, please?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 10:44 PM

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whether or not you will have excess skin varies person to person. What I have discovered through research though is that your body can only take back 10% of your skin. In most people its not a problem but for some it can be. I am guessing that it might be a probem forme sinceidlyI wish to lose about 100-120 pounds. But we will have to see. unfortunatly this is one thing where the waiting game wins.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 3:39 AM

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whether or not you will have excess skin varies person to person. What I have discovered through research though is that your body can only take back 10% of your skin. In most people its not a problem but for some it can be. I am guessing that it might be a probem forme sinceidlyI wish to lose about 100-120 pounds. But we will have to see. unfortunatly this is one thing where the waiting game wins.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 3:39 AM

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whether or not you will have excess skin varies person to person. What I have discovered through research though is that your body can only take back 10% of your skin. In most people its not a problem but for some it can be. I am guessing that it might be a probem forme sinceidlyI wish to lose about 100-120 pounds. But we will have to see. unfortunatly this is one thing where the waiting game wins.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 3:39 AM

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I am 23 years old. Thank you for everyone's help so far!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 6:32 AM

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I am 23 years old. Thank you for everyone's help so far!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 6:32 AM

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I am 23 years old. Thank you for everyone's help so far!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 6:32 AM

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120 lb loser here...I am 23 also.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 9:48 AM

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120 lb loser here...I am 23 also.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 9:48 AM

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120 lb loser here...I am 23 also.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 9:48 AM

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