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When is the last time you bought something from the GAP?

This article is how children, 12 year olds are being forced to work 16 hour days and beaten if they cry, sold into slavery all so we can have cheaper GAP sweatshirts. To be fair, it's more than the gap, we all know it but until somebody like the Gap gets called out, no one does anything.


Mon. Oct 29, 11:40am

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Its not just the Gap its almost every clothing chain that has their clothes made in China, India, Afgan, its all over and its a huge problem. The thing is as long as we out source our work for US made products this will always be the issue. It even happens here in the US. Lots of illegal mexicans are put to work to pay their way here, some end up in sweat shops, some end up other places.

Monday, October 29, 2007, 12:20 PM

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Never althought I have bought from Old Navy.

I used to know a lady who had some young family members that worked in child sweat shops.When she came to America she talked about it and although it is horrid conditions and the things they do to kids is abusive,she said most of the kids who don't work in sweat shops will starve so they are taken advantage of.The countries that use child labor are where it has to stop.If it was outlawed and enforced.

Monday, October 29, 2007, 9:16 PM

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I agree. When I read these types of stories I wonder how could a mother sell her child into slavery.Then I think they have the choice either starve or send their child somewhere where you know they will be fed because they are needed to work.It is lose lose situation and as long as there is poverty there will be child labor.

Monday, October 29, 2007, 9:24 PM

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Amiable articles and the blogs really helped me a lot, thanks for the valuable

Friday, April 24, 2020, 4:11 AM

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