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What's your dream come true?
Pretend for a moment that you are me. You are happily married, you have 2.5 kids in highschool, you have big money in the bank/stock market (let's say 5 million dollars), and you are at goal weight. What's next?
Mon. Oct 29, 9:08am
Well, my next goal would be to see a therapist. I would try to uncover what I really wanted for me. Is it a new career? Do I want to start a business? What have I always wanted to do with my life, but was too afraid to go for it?
Monday, October 29, 2007, 9:24 AM
Op here. Hey thanks 9:24, but really, I want to know what YOU would do.
Monday, October 29, 2007, 9:32 AM
I would want to be very active in a community and help others with all that money- volunteer open a soup kitchen or a literacy program.
also I would want to travel.
Monday, October 29, 2007, 9:53 AM
I would enjoy the simple life.
Monday, October 29, 2007, 12:21 PM
I would just enjoy doing things with my family... trips, holidays, as well as everyday life. Enjoy every minute. And count the days until grandchildren come along to spoil!!!
Monday, October 29, 2007, 12:23 PM
Personally I've thought about what I'd do if I hit the lottery and could do anything I wanted. I'm already happily married, I have 2 kids they aren't in highschool but I wouldn't want to age them faster than they already are, and I'm trying to maintain my goal weight.
If I had endless money I would quit my job, and my husband and I would start our own company. I also would like to go to my church and ask my pastor for the names of some of the neediest family in the church and give them each like $10-$20K gifts. I'd love to start some non-profit organization to help low income families that make too much money for government aid but are working and trying and can't make ends meet. I would like to travel to the Sarengetti of Africa, to Australia, China, London, Paris, Sicily, etc.
Monday, October 29, 2007, 12:54 PM
I'd travel the world. Start my own company. Try to give back in some way. Go on an archeological dig. Build a house from the ground up. Hike. Ride in a hot air balloon. Go fishing in Alaska. Build a treehouse. Build a playground in an area that doesn't have one. Swim with dolphins. Become a singer...I plan on doing all of these things anyway...oh, and I've always wanted to go to a restaurant, and if the waitress was wonderful, give her a huge tip (like a grand). I was a waitress for a few years.
Monday, October 29, 2007, 2:28 PM
to have one night of ultimate pleasure with Vin Diesel...oh yeah! gonna need a cold shower now!
Monday, October 29, 2007, 3:22 PM
It's kinda hard to pretend to be you OP when we don't know how happy you are with your life, what your interests are and what fufills you. Are you seeking spiritual, professional or personal well-being? What makes you happy? What type of personality do you have? Are you very driven? or more laid back? What are you passionate about?
I am a (rather) driven professional who loves my area of expertise, and being snugged into our little house or hiking outdoors in the mountains with my husband makes me happy. i am happy with my spiritual life, fufilled in my relationships (lots of family and friends nearby) and in better and better health every day. My professional life is the place where I would strive for more change. Therefore I would go back to school for my master's. I am fortunate that I really love my field, but I don't quite have the time or financial freedom to pursue a master's in it full-time, and it would really help me acheive the career goals that I would like.
I would also take a bit more vacation so we could take trips to more distant destinations, but the education is the biggie.
The idea of the first poster was seriously a fairly good one if you need some assistance with your introspection. Best wishes to you OP! That sounds like a terrific position to be in. :-)
Monday, October 29, 2007, 3:40 PM
If it was me and the kids were in high school I would start doing stuff for me. I would take those flying lessons I've always wanted to do. I take a month off and travel Europe. I'd go to all the places I've always wanted to see. Then I would find something I really enjoy doing, something that just makes me happy and do it. Maybe study art, learn how to draw and paint or sculpt. I'd also want to get involved with helping troubled teens.
Monday, October 29, 2007, 9:04 PM
Funny...I have none of those things yet I'm living my definition of The Dream. In fact, I'd probably use the money to buy my way out of motherhood and maybe the husband too.
Monday, October 29, 2007, 11:00 PM
11:00 no reason to have to live by society's standards. You don't have to have kids or a husband. If you are living your dream life keep living it. As long as you feel happy and are fulfilled.
Monday, October 29, 2007, 11:14 PM
If I understood the OP the point is what is your dream
I have never been able to experience life. Either because of fear or my weight.
So I would love to travel. To see things like an opera. Maybe I would hate it but maybe I would love it.
To go out to dinner at a fancy resturant or any resturant and not be stared at and not wonder if the chairs will hold me or if they have arms on them or..........
I would live. That is what I would and what I will do.
Maybe I will be able to have children maybe I will finally apeal to someone and I will get married.
I would experience life to the fullest.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007, 4:56 PM
I suppose I'd do the cross-country cycling trip I've always wanted to do... Start in Seattle, end in Cape Cod.
I might use some of the money to figure out how to make that 1/2 a kid into a whole kid, though...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007, 5:44 PM
Good one, 5:44!!!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007, 8:46 PM
I'd start a scholarship fund
Thursday, November 1, 2007, 8:12 AM
What next... giving back and being connected to others
I would list the things, interests, hobbies that I do that make me smile and enjoy my life. For me that would be music, singing, dancing, hanging laundry on the line (seriously), hiking, playing cards & games, gardening, shopping of deals, yoga..... oh so much more... Then I would reach out to people who could use a lift and offer my time to individuals / groups, or mentor other people / women / especially single-moms, elderly, shut-ins, depressed... m.s. victims, cancer patients, who also share my interests. That give to get scenario.
I would also randomly give out money pre-christmas season to low-income moms.
Thursday, November 1, 2007, 12:05 PM
one more thought....
You could help other women reach goal weight....
Thursday, November 1, 2007, 12:08 PM
OP here. OMG. I actually teared up reading these responses. Thank you all for sharing your dreams. And please, jump in with afterthoughts.
Maybe even things you've already done. Dreams you've already lived.; fantastic trips you've been on; ways you have helped other people.
Thursday, November 1, 2007, 2:27 PM
Growing old together with my beloved husband.
Starting and enjoying financial and emotional success with my own business.
Helping girls in my community to be more confident and fit.
Travel, travel, travel. I haven't returned to Europe since I was a teen and I want to so badly. Italy seems like a distant dream.
Friday, November 2, 2007, 12:57 PM
What I would do next....
First I would fill up my spirit tank (like put your own oxygen mask on first in the airplane... my tank is a little low, since I am as far from this situation as you can imagine!!!)... so, a spa, hot-rock treatments, massage, yoga, hikes in the woods, find a spiritual teacher or two, meditation, guided hikes, a pedicure and manicure sans nail polish. I would shop for comfortable chic clothing and shoes, get a great hair cut and then....
Hire some dreamers to design and build my in-town, off the grid, organic dwelling in walking distance to a co-op and park or trails for hiking. Purchase non-toxic/healthy furniture... artisan made... this would be allowing the cash to flow in areas I would personally like to support and still is in line with putting on my own oxygen mask first.... then...
I would work with Habitat for Humanity or something like that to provide other low-income families with green home opporutnities... and I would try to team up with some small mom-n-pop start-ups to help them succeed.
Plan and pay for a retreat where people could come and donate as much or as little as they are able to and that money would go to fund the next retreat and have that repeat and repeat and repeat....
Friday, November 2, 2007, 2:34 PM
I would help someone like me...
I have left several comments to this thread and feel inspired to write, yet again, to see if you would help me.
I need mentoring to create stability for my little family and would welcome your coaching... if you are interested.
dancetress at ya hooo
Friday, November 2, 2007, 2:39 PM
dancetress- I hope you find the coaching you need. I am not married, no kids and working hard on my own issues right now. I don't feel qualified to be a life coach for a family. Have you thought about counseling since you say you need stability in your family? Good luck to you. I know you're reaching out for help but for what you want, I just don't feel qualified. God bless.
Friday, November 2, 2007, 3:02 PM
OP here again. Dancetress I don't know what to do. I'm sure you understand that the idea of sending money to someone you meet on the internet does not sound like a smart thing to do. And besides that, there are a couple of people we are in the midst of helping financially right now (one of whom is a depressed single mother), it's just not possible to help everyone all at once.
In terms of being a life coach, I have no qualifications. Making good decisions was definitely part of what got me where I am today, but that by no means makes me a professional.
I have been hugely impressed with the wisdom of the PT community. If it is advice that you are seeking, why not start a thread, give us some details and get the advice of the group?
To everyone else, I love all of your comments. I will be going back to this thread over and over again.
Friday, November 2, 2007, 7:43 PM
Hi again,
Thanks for your responses... I fully understand your position, you're not a professional coach or a consultant, and I think you are worried that my needs are more than you are capable of right now. So, we are not a match.
I love the responses your question has inspired!!!
Saturday, November 3, 2007, 10:06 PM
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