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Sic Weeks Pregnant

What type of work out habits did the mothers on PT find the best for them during pregnancy?

Also, I am very early in pregnancy, 6 weeks, and I have NO symptoms! I am just a little tired and my breast are slightly tender, but nothing crazy. Is that normal?

Sat. Oct 27, 5:12pm

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Okay, sorry for the type, it was supposed to by six, not sic!

Saturday, October 27, 2007, 5:13 PM

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I have absolutely no idea - but Congratulations!

Saturday, October 27, 2007, 5:23 PM

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I think it depends upon what your exercise regimen is now. I was working out 5-6 days a week doing cardio and weights when I got pregnant and I continued doing both up until the day before I delivered. I also walked, too. If you're doing something like spinning you'll probably want to find something else to keep the heart rate down or if you're not really exercising now - start slow with something like walking.

And, I had NO symptoms when I was pregnant - I often forgot that I was! It's completely normal! Good luck and congrats!

Saturday, October 27, 2007, 5:53 PM

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my entire pregnancy I felt wonderful - better than normal. I was happy, my hair was shiny, my eyes sparkled, my skin was clear. But I was always hungry and food tasted extraordinarily delicious, so I ate a lot. Ended up gaining 50 lbs instead of the 26 my doc recommended. My only discomfort was when labor began, and that was over pretty fast. He was born 2 hours after the first labor pain.

Sunday, October 28, 2007, 2:27 PM

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I felt lousy for almost my entire pregnancy, starting around week 8 or 10. The one thing that saved me was that I did exercise every day. I swam (*wonderful* when you're big and heavy, in the third trimester), did elliptical and Arc Trainer, lifted weights, walked a ton, and did a wonderful prenatal yoga class during my third trimester.

I think you can basically continue the exercise regime you're on, just make sure not to get dizzy or unstable. There are also certain sports you'd want to avoid, like skiing or ball-type games that have a chance of hitting your abdomen, I think. There's also lots of info out there on the web on exercise in pregnancy. Check or just google it!

Sunday, October 28, 2007, 8:19 PM

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A little unrelated, but has anyone on here gotten pregnant while taking birth control? If so, how did you know you were pregnant? I'm on Loestrin-24, and I've missed my period a few times when I first started taking it, and was told that was normal, and no big deal. But I just missed it again. Time to bite the bullet and go get a test? That will totally freak out the hubby!!

Monday, October 29, 2007, 1:06 PM

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I exercised regularly before getting getting pregnant, pretty much every day, cardio and weights, but first trimestar was brutal for me, both for morning sickness and for difficulty breathing (mind you this was in the hot sticky summer). I had to switch to yoga and pilates which I continued through my second and third trimester. Pilates are wonderful, I had no backache and hardly any discomforts. I guess if I had the opportunity to swim that would be good for the back too. Mind you since I wasn't able to exercise hard aerobically mainly due to breathing problems, my weight gain was just about what was recommended but not much more.

Monday, October 29, 2007, 1:19 PM

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