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PMS & Weight Gaim

Hi! New to PT. Today was so very frustrating for me. I'm 40+ and have been dealing with my weight for as long as I can remember. After years of yo-yo dieting, fad diets, and trying every "new" miracle pill, it dawned on me that I just needed to monitor my eating, change unhealthy patterns, exercise consistently and increase my water intake.

Since October 2007 I've gone from 250lbs. to 207 - size 22/24 to 14/16. Lately, I've been eating 5-6 small meals - some call it the 3 hr. diet. Last week I weighed in at 207, that down from 213. This morning I weighed in at 209.6, and let me tell you that it's taking everything I've got to not get depressed and have a pity party.

Last week, I ate "clean", ablsolutely no cheating and worked out 4x for 45-60 minutes. It is two weeks before my period. I went to Google and read that some women experience PMS (and weight gain) 2 weeks prior to their period. While I do retain water prior to and during my period I didn't think it would be this much. My hope is this is the reason for the increase on the scale.

Have anyone experienced this before? Have you ever stuck to your plan but right before your period saw the number on the scale go up?

Trying to stay encouraged ........

Sat. Oct 27, 11:33am

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Oh yeah! It's very common for a lot of women to retain about 2 pounds of water right before their period. I'm expecting mine in 3 days and I've been bloated for the past week and a half. My tummy actually doesn't have that much fat on it but it's ROUNDED when I'm PMSing, like I got a water balloon inside me or something. It feels horrible. It gets a little better when I drink a lot of my advice for you would be to constantly drink water.

Congratulations on your progress by the way! A 43 pound loss is incredible!

Saturday, October 27, 2007, 2:47 PM

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i'm 5'8 (i think height makes a difference) and my total water retention can vary from 3-7 lbs (153 normally...can go as high as 161) lol..i dont even weigh myself during that time anymore! i just make sure to continue counting and working out (it helps with the cramps too!) and then weigh myself 2-3 days AFTER the last day of my pd (aka the last day you need a pad/tampon/etc...i give a few days for the hormones to jump down)

Saturday, October 27, 2007, 5:08 PM

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yes, yes, yes! I get so constipated just before, that I know I'm retaining water and the scale shows it too. I just don't weigh in until it's good and over.

Sunday, October 28, 2007, 3:33 PM

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