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1200 calories

Are you really suppose to eat 1200 calories a day?

I am on a diet by Web-MD and it has me with 850-1050 a day, but then somewhere else on the sight it says that if you have less than 1200 calories a day you will actually slow your metabolism


Fri. Oct 26, 4:45pm

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I've always heard that it's unhealthy to go below 1200 calories a day on a regular basis...In my personal experience it has more to do with sustainability. If I try to eat less than 1200 cals a day I get starving and frustated and order out chinese food. If I stay around 1300 or so I can plan my meals so I feel satisfied, lose weight, and keep it up long term. By the way...I've lost about 25 pounds so far, and still going!

Friday, October 26, 2007, 5:40 PM

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Rule of thumb is that, unless you are very short, anything under 1200 calories should be under the supervision of a doctor because at that point it becomes difficult to eat the right foods to get the nutrients you need, and you can put yourself at risk for various mineral/vitamin definciencies over time.
(plus most people would be ravenous)

Friday, October 26, 2007, 6:23 PM

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You'll ruin your metabolism at such a low number...unless you're under 5' tall and completely sedentary.

You can google "how many calories should I eat?" and you'll find many sites on the subject. All of them are a little different, but you should get a rough estimate of what's good for your height and activity level.

Friday, October 26, 2007, 10:46 PM

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Wow a reputable website tells you to eat 850-1050 calories?? That's pretty interesting.

Another thing, where do people come up with this idea that if you're short, you need 1200 calories or less. I'm 5'2 and just have about 20 pounds to lose, yet I'm eating an average of 2000 calories a day. I work out also but not excessively (4-5 days per week). In my first month, I lost 4 pounds and I only weigh in once a month, so my next weigh in is soon. Maybe because I'm just in my early 20s so my metabolism is still strong..but even then.

Saturday, October 27, 2007, 2:45 AM

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2:45 - I think the earlier comments were that you need a minimum of 1200 if you're short, not a maximum! And if you're taller, you may need more.

Saturday, October 27, 2007, 10:00 AM

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don't go below 1200! If you aren't losing weight fast enough and want to go under that, it's just not healthy. Your body will be much happier with the appropriate nutrients.

Saturday, October 27, 2007, 1:47 PM

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OP Here. I really appreciate all the comments.
The last thing I want to do is mess up my metabolism!!
The point of dieting is to be MORE healthy. LOL

Monday, October 29, 2007, 10:05 AM

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I am under dr supervision and he was ok with 850 cal a day but said do not go below that. And take a multi vit. And I lost at a good rate. I am very sedentary.
However I found that after losing about 100 pounds that I was very weak.
On a consistant basis. So I decided to kick it up to about 1200 a day and I am feeling much stronger. Been doing that for about a month. Losing slower but I have more energy. And I have to say that at 1200 cal a day it is much easier to stick to.
Everyone says this isn't healthy or that's not healthy and I can see where that may be true at times but you also have to take into consideration a persons starting weight. It also is not healthy to be morbidly obese. Not that the OP is I am just making a point.
I would personally suggest talking to your dr about it and see what he or she thinks is appropriate for you. They know your body and health issues better than a web site would.
And then listen to your body. Mine was telling me I needed more.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007, 6:11 PM

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2:45 here

Don't think that I am judging you, but wow I'm so amazed that a doctor would tell people to eat below 1000 calories. I mean considering you have a lot of weight to lose and how much you probably consumed before, you could still lose a lot of weight eating 2000 calories.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007, 11:24 AM

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6:11 here
I think the reason he was ok with the low cal amount is because of the severe health problems that have come because of the weight.
I was to the point of being put on insulin and my cholesteral was out of control. I don't know about the cholesteral until next week I get the results of my latest test but the blood sugar has been way better. In fact I have been taken off of 2 pills a day.
So basically my point is when a persons health is so bad sometimes drs will do something drastic to get you started. It isn't a whole lot different from the dr supervised liquid diets but I get food.
However I have to say I would never suggest a person go on that low of a diet with out supervision. I don't think I even had enough supervision. I only go once every 2 months. And you have to listen to your body. I was getting so weak and didn't connect it to the lack of calories. Now I see that is what it was. Going that low in calories really does mess with your body.
Be careful.
You only have one body.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007, 4:41 PM

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