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Halloween scare

my biggest fear is this weekend with all the parties. I know that I should just drink water or soda water with lime, but I love octoberfest beer!! And yummy cocktails.. And there will be cheese and candy!!!

Now that is what is freightening about Halloween!!

Fri. Oct 26, 1:30pm

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I have one rule, plan for the only one time year things, like the octoberfest beer, but pass the things that you can get all year long. Like Thanksgiving, eat only what you really want, and leave the rest. I personaly find this time of the year easier to drop the pounds, I am very picky in what I choose to eat during family get togethers.

Friday, October 26, 2007, 1:55 PM

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I heard that strategy here and I have to say it got me through the holidays with no weight gained (although I didn't lose any for a couple months). Could I have it anytime? Then 'no', but if this is the only time of year I get this treat (like my mom's flan) then yes! I do stick to reasonable serving sizes though. I figure if it's really worth it, I can have more the next day, and if there isn't any more, then I'd better savor it!

Friday, October 26, 2007, 2:03 PM

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One thing I like to remember is that a couple days of "bad" eating isn't going to hurt you. I've realized that I didn't gain 30 pounds in a couple days; it took years of binges to get to my highest weight. I used to feel guilty about eating a large, high calorie meal and would binge and tell myself I'd start "perfectly" tomorrow. I don't have that all-or-nothing thinking anymore and I feel less restricted!

I agree with the other poster how you should eat things that isn't normally consumed throughout the year. I've read that in a couple articles and I'm going to do that this least I hope lol.

Friday, October 26, 2007, 2:03 PM

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OP here, my problem is when does it stop. first Halloween, then thansgiving, then christmas, then valentines- I am ure that I can fine a "special" occasion for atleast every month. and those beers- my husband buys a case!! And then they taunt me until they are gone.

I know I just need to will power. but where to get it!?

Friday, October 26, 2007, 4:48 PM

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