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Beck Diet Solution
I just wanted to let you all know that I just started reading this Beck Diet solution, and i think this is the missing piece to my weight loss plan.
I was working out, eating healthy and staying away from alcohol, but throughtout my whole lifestyle change, I started to realize (to my own dismay) that I have been a binge eater (strangely, I thought back to when I was young, and I think I always have been, which is crazy; I can't believe I never noticed). A few people on here reccomended Becks, and I was a bit ambivalent until i read an excerpt. I picked it up today at Borders, and I have to say this is soo me.
Def awesome. Has this changed anyone's diets, too? This is totally what I needed.
Please NOTE: I know that there are other threads on this. I would like to ask the question again, in order to gain some new information. :)
Fri. Oct 26, 4:29am
this is the only "diet" I have actually purchased because after reading what it was about, it was like "eureka." Other diet books I just borrowed from the library and skimmed it.
This one has really opened my eyes. I started a team called The Becky's and we are all benefiting from it a great deal.
Friday, October 26, 2007, 5:36 AM
TOTALLY changed everything for me. I now have the skills to sustain weightloss over time - something I have never been able to do!
I just ordered the workbook as well. Its not a necessity but since I enjoy the book so much, it can't hurt to work in the workbook during those really hard times.
Glad you made the move to get this. I hope others do , as well.
Friday, October 26, 2007, 6:53 AM
I discovered the book last week and am having the same "Eureka" feeling, since I've been trying to get off 25 lbs for the past several years and keep hovering within the same 5 lbs range. I found this site while looking for a Diet Coach (Day 6). Is there an open group for this?
Friday, October 26, 2007, 8:53 AM
check out the teams - they are open and I know there is Beck group. I also use PT as my diet coach - I use my groupmates
Friday, October 26, 2007, 9:50 AM
What is the main concept of Becks?
Friday, October 26, 2007, 11:18 AM
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yeah i had a bad diet week and reading this book just remotivated me, and i think that it really narrows in oon the one thing that was stopping me. I work out every day, and actually like healthy food. I was just a binge eater. Still am.
Friday, October 26, 2007, 4:19 PM
I had been looking for a book like this for what seems forever. I used to work with a counselor a few years back who used cognitive therapy with her clients. I thought Cognitive Therapy was great and that it would help with weight loss since CT is about retraining our minds. But did not know how to go about it, I'm not trained in that field. So when I saw this book I instantly knew this was THE BOOK for weight loss. We need to learn new healthy habits. If we knew how to do it in the first place we would not need diets. I love this book.
Friday, October 26, 2007, 8:15 PM
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